Results of Q1/2024 Community Budget Ideas

Audience looking at projection screen with four images: a group of people, an arrow made of paper clips, a screenshot with many colors, and an old engraving.
Significant progress for TYPO3: Rector rules, image rendering, simplified translation handling, and ACL improvements.

On 1 November 2023, we launched the community budget process for 2024. The aim was for a faster overall process from idea proposal to voting through to completion of work. Four ideas were funded and finished in Q1, resulting in a successful trial of the budget process and great gains in improvement for TYPO3 CMS.

Here is a short summary of these projects.

Implementing Rector Rules 

These days it is impossible to imagine you are doing TYPO3 upgrades without the TYPO3 Rector package. As part of their Q1 idea, Simon Schaufelberger and his team implemented not ten, but fifteen more Rector rules to make updating your TYPO3 installation to TYPO3 v12 even easier. This project has also been selected by community members for the Q2 ideas as preparation to make v13 upgrades easy as well. The community is continuing the work to expand these tools with new features like handling non-PHP files by Fractor.


Image Rendering

The Image Rendering Initiative has a history and was revived by Łukasz Uznański to address asynchronous image processing on the frontend. The initial phase of this initiative didn't involve coding or development. The team focussed on research and fundamental grounding, looking into the current state, and researching existing market solutions. They established a crucial feedback loop with the Core team and the community. Their deliverable at the end of the quarter is a detailed technical document which includes their critical insights and outlines five potential solutions, with pros and cons listed for each. This document is publicly accessible by the TYPO3 community, and  the team welcomes your feedback.


Simplify the TYPO3 Translation Workflow: TransFusion

TYPO3 translation handling offers several options for establishing relations between languages: connected, free, and mixed modes. With the TransFusion extension idea, we now have a clear view of these modes and (possible) relations between content elements per language and the default language. Jo Hasenau made it easy to create and move relations between content elements when working with multiple languages. In Q2, Jo will continue working on improvements and compatibility with v13. 


ACL Improvements

As part of the ACL Improvements idea, Łukasz Uznański and his team worked on creating predefined users and groups as an option during the installation process. In January, the team conducted a community survey, and used the results to direct their efforts. They implemented a new configuration option during installation, and a new command in the backend to create default user groups.


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