TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Group

The TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Group is a dynamic team from the TYPO3 Project dedicated to shaping the future of TYPO3 by driving strategic initiatives and ensuring the continued success of our beloved content management system.

The TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Group operates on a collaborative and transparent approach. We believe in engaging the TYPO3 community at every step, seeking valuable input, and fostering a sense of shared ownership. Together, we aim to create a product strategy that not only meets current needs but also anticipates future challenges, ensuring TYPO3 remains at the forefront of digital innovation.

Our Mission

At the core of our mission is the commitment to enhancing TYPO3's relevance and effectiveness in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. The TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Group was tasked with conducting comprehensive market and product analyses to gain deep insights into industry trends, user needs, and emerging technologies. Our goal is to translate these insights into a robust product strategy that aligns seamlessly with the evolving demands of our user community.

The Team Members

The strength of the TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Group lies in the diversity and expertise of its members. Comprising seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience in web development, design, architecture, marketing, and user experience, our team is uniquely positioned to navigate the complex intersection of technology and user expectations. We are united by our shared passion for TYPO3 and a collective vision for its continued success.

Meet the Team

Next Steps

The group is currently finalizing a first version of the TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Paper. A public version will be created afterwards for the entire TYPO3 ecosystem to read. Stay tuned for updates, surveys, and community forums where you can actively contribute to shaping the next chapter of TYPO3.

Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. The TYPO3 CMS Product Strategy Group is eager to embark on this journey with you, and together, we will elevate TYPO3 to new heights.

Rachel Foucard

Lead - Responsible for Product Strategy Governance & Operation

Tymoteusz Motylewski

Colead - Responsible for Product Strategy Research & Analysis

Thomas Maroschik

 TYPO3 Association Perspective

Frank Nägler

TYPO3 GmbH Perspective

Benjamin Mack

TYPO3 Core Development Perspective

Oliver Hader

TYPO3 Security Perspective

Luisa Faßbender

TYPO3 Marketing Perspective