Recap of the Best Practices Team Remote Code Sprint on 7 May 2024

Categories: Event Report, Community Created by Daniel Siepmann
Screenshot of a video call with seven participants.
A comprehensive report on the latest efforts from the TYPO3 Best Practices team.

Seven people joined the remote code sprint of the Best Practices team held on 7 May 2024. They worked together to merge 25 commits into the Tea example extension.

Key Achievements

The main focus was to align the extension with the TYPO3 core. We switched documentation rendering to the new PHP-based system, migrated from yarn to npm for Node.js package management, and solved some issues related to missing documentation, among other improvements.

Old Friends and New Faces

We were happy to see familiar faces and welcome two new ones, including Karsten Nowak, who joined our first sprint and wrote the report about it. Although some people couldn’t join, we successfully completed and merged their pull requests.

Feedback And Future Plans

Once again, we sought feedback to improve our future sprints. For instance, we plan to always prepare for the next sprint at the end of the current one so that we can clearly communicate our upcoming sprint goals. We also plan to continue to provide mentorship during sprints to help onboard new contributors.

Join Our Next Event On-Location in Karlsruhe

Our next sprint will be held in-person in Karlsruhe, prior to the TYPO3 Developer Days event. Combining our code sprint with T3DD24 means you can reimburse your traveling costs for dev days by attending our sprint. 

All information is available at the event page: Best Practices Team: On-Location Code Sprint T3DD24.

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