Bringing Best Practices on Track

Men sitting in a small open train carriage.
From left to right: Eike, Oliver, Felix, Karsten.
Eike Starkmann shares insights from the first in-person sprint of the Best Practices team.

This year I attended the first in-person sprint for the Best Practices Team. Daniel and Oliver invited interested participants to Karlsruhe, hosting the event at Werkraum, nestled within the city forest. Over three days, the team dedicated their efforts to advancing the Tea example extension.

Productivity In-Person

The sprint was organized by Daniel and Oliver with support from undkonsorten (Eike, Felix, and Karsten). We spent three days at the inspiring, creative space of Werkraum to tackle our well-prepared sprint board. We started out highly-motivated on Monday morning with one early bird kicking off at 09:00 We soon found that there weren’t enough issues on our board.

Fortunately, Oliver had a bag full of issues to replenish the board and we could continue working quickly. Each day concluded when hunger signaled the end, leading the group to explore local restaurants for dinner.

A highlight was riding the Palace Garden Railway on Thursday which was a welcome diversion from sitting in front of the screen. As you can see in the picture we had lots of fun. Sadly, Daniel missed this wild ride.

Driving Innovation and Quality for TYPO3

During the sprint, we were working on improving and speeding up tests, and also adding and trying out new testing frameworks. Accelerating testing was mainly achieved by running tests in parallel. Our efforts were also devoted to iterating and improving new and existing code quality checks. This work was sometimes challenging and we learned a lot about how to integrate these checks.

The team’s persistence paid off, resulting in a robust suite of tests and quality checks for the relatively small Tea extension. This may sound like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but the goal was to show other extension developers how tests and code quality can be handled in a best practice way.

Additionally, we simplified the documentation, making it easier for others to get started with the tea extension.

Sprint Achievements at a Glance

  • Team Size: 5 people
  • 23 closed tickets/Pull requests
  • 27 commits
  • Milestone 81% completed

Join Us Next Time

Interested? Join us for the next code sprint which will be held remotely on 17 September 2024 from 11:00 to 17:00 CEST. We’ll meet in the TYPO3 Slack Channel, #best-practice-team.

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