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Best Practices Team: On-Location Code Sprint T3DD24

Karlsruhe, Germany

You’re Invited: Join Our On-Location Sprint Before T3DD24!

The Best Practices Team’s first on-location sprint is happening  29–31 July 2024. We'll meet in Karlsruhe, this year’s TYPO3 Developer Days Town, for days of general housework and working through our backlog. While we may not complete all our goals, this sprint is an excellent opportunity to learn and collaborate. If you are a newcomer to TYPO3 development, come along to gain insights into teamwork, GitHub, bug resolution, and automated testing.


The sprint is hosted by Werkraum in Karlsruhe.

Come prepared, we have collected all preparation steps at our GitHub Wiki.


We will cover food, traveling, and hotel for you during the sprint. Please contact Daniel Siepmann upfront, we only have 5 seats.


Daniel Siepmann will host the sprint. We’ll start with a quick check-in of participants, make sure everyone is set for success, then we’ll distribute the tasks among the attendees. If you’re a newcomer, there will be people to support you and answer questions.

We plan to work on these topics in the following order:

  1. Continue with the tasks that got started during the last sprint
  2. Work through the backlog, e.g. implement code for examples.

We probably won’t complete all the goals, so the remaining tasks will be carried over to future work and sprints.

Your Benefits

Whether you are an experienced TYPO3 developer, or new to the CMS, there is always something to learn. Come along to this sprint and get real-world experience working with focus inside a team on an open published extension.

Participants of this sprint will learn-by-doing, in particular:

  • Using GitHub as a Git hosting and CI platform.
  • How to catch and fix bugs, covered by tests.
  • Best practices for extension development.
  • Fast end-to-end tests via TYPO3 testing framework functional tests.
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