• Large conference hall with stage and multiple projection screens. Central podium with two people on it.

    Build-Your-Own Starship Enterprise — Reflections on DrupalCon Portland 2024

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    Open source content management in 2024: so similar, so different. Visiting another open source CMS community can be a wonderful exercise in perspective.
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  • Screenshot of a video call with seven participants.

    Recap of the Best Practices Team Remote Code Sprint on 7 May 2024

    Categories: Event Report, Community
    Created by Daniel Siepmann
    A comprehensive report on the latest efforts from the TYPO3 Best Practices team.
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  • Poster with nine faces with names below, advertising the AFUP Day Poitiers

    TYPO3 Visits AFUP Day 2024 in Poitiers

    Categories: Event Report, Community
    Created by Rachel Foucard
    This year, the TYPO3 France committee is looking to increase its contacts with the French PHP community by taking part in forums, meetups and other events. With this in mind, we decided to pay a visit to our friends, the PHP developers at AFUP Day 2024, in Poitiers.
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  • Brick houses surrounding an open square. One entrance says "Chalmers" in all uppercase letters.

    Being TYPO3 at foss-north

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    On my way to the TYPO3 General Assembly, I attended foss-north, a two-day free and open source (FOSS) conference in Gothenburg, Sweden. It is organized in collaboration with the Free Software Foundation Europe, and provides an opportunity for Nordic FOSS communities to talk about hardware and software from a technical perspective.
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  • My First TYPO3 General Assembly

    Categories: Event Report, Community, Association
    Created by Kendall Litton
    Kendall Litton, Communications Manager at TYPO3 GmbH, reports on her first experience at the TYPO3 General Assembly in Zürich, highlighting membership growth, economic updates, and the importance of community engagement.
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  • T3CON Recap—Web Analytics: Balancing Data Collection, Privacy, and User Experience

    Categories: Event Report, Marketing
    Explore the evolution of web analytics and the impact of privacy laws like GDPR on data collection strategies in the last part of our recap series. Learn from industry expert Alexander Veit at T3CON23.
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  • TYPO3 Surfcamp 2024

    Categories: Event Report, Community development
    Created by Lisa-Maria Schedlberger & Julia Gruber
    Young developers Lisa-Maria Schedlberger & Julia Gruber share their first-hand experience of fun-in-the-sun at TYPO3 Surfcamp.
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  • Circle of yellow stars on a blue background. Orange TYPO3 logo replaces one star, moved slightly out of the circle.

    Where To? Building the Road to EU Policy Compliance

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    5 February 2024, I attended a workshop in Brussels, Belgium, with representatives from many large open-source projects. With one person from each project, it was still a large circle of more than 30 people. How can this help TYPO3 and how can we contribute to the combined effort?
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  • T3CON Recap—TYPO3 CMS & AI: Three Snapshots of AI-Powered Content Management

    Categories: Event Report, TYPO3 CMS
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    AI will change content management forever. At T3CON23, speakers demonstrated AI-powered CMS features far beyond text and image generation.
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  • Inside TYPO3 – April 2024

    Categories: Event Report, TYPO3 CMS, Core Development
    Created by Tom Warwick
    April's episode of the Official TYPO3 Podcast.
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