• Pile of pins with flags from different nations.

    Help Us Translate TYPO3’s Backend Into Your Language

    Categories: Localization, Community, TYPO3 CMS
    Created by Peter Kraume
    Using software in your native language often makes a huge difference in feeling at home with what you're doing. TYPO3’s backend is no different. With the help of Crowdin, a cloud-based localization technology, all TYPO3 backend labels can be translated into any language.
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  • Translating TYPO3's backend interface using Crowdin

    Categories: Development, Localization
    TYPO3 supports the translation of its backend in any given language and has support for more than forty languages, each in its own state of completion. To better support the process of localization and to make it easier to add new languages to TYPO3’s backend, the localization team partnered with Crowdin, a localization tool designed to help teams translate and maintain their applications translation files.
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  • Screenshot showing translation status for 24 languages on Crowdin. The highest has 100%, the lowest 13%.

    Report From the Localization Team (2023)

    Categories: Localization, Community
    Created by Peter Kraume
    Last year was marked by the revitalization of the Localization Team. We re-established regular meetings and started working on a number of issues, including decommissioning the old translation infrastructure with Pootle, which had become obsolete since the switch to Crowdin.
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  • Arabic CMS: Mastering Right-to-Left Content

    Categories: Community, TYPO3 CMS, Localization
    Created by Abdulhamid Kwieder
    Join us in celebrating the 2023 World Arabic Language Day and learn about the intricacies and the properties of right-to-left content management, Arabic diacritics, and how TYPO3 can help you master them!
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  • Crowdin and TYPO3 logos separated by a plus sign.

    Shutdown of the Pootle Translation Server

    Categories: Localization, Development, TYPO3 CMS, Public Service Announcement
    Created by Peter Kraume
    Crowdin has been our default translation server for quite some time. We have now decommissioned the infrastructure that supported the old Pootle translation server — here is how it impacts you.
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  • Screenshot of the TYPO3 backend with Arabic language labels.

    TYPO3 Fully Translated to Arabic

    Categories: Community, TYPO3 CMS, Localization
    Created by Felicity Brand
    Community member Abdulhamid Kwieder recently shared on the TYPO3 Slack that he has completed the translation of the entire content of the TYPO3 backend to the Arabic language.
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  • Translation status displayed as progress bars for each language on a computer screen.

    Extension Repository Shows Localization Status

    Categories: Development, Community, Localization
    Created by Georg Ringer
    The TYPO3 Extension Repository now includes the status of translations for extensions drawn from Crowdin. This is an exciting development because TYPO3 is an international community. Previously, it was difficult to find out the status of translation for particular extensions, and now it is publicly available for all users to see.
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  • Better Multilingual Support with Crowdin

    Categories: Community, TYPO3 CMS, Localization
    Created by Georg Ringer
    The multilingual backend has always been a great benefit of TYPO3. Whether you’re French, German, or English-speaking, having the editing and administrative user interface in a language you understand means you can work faster and more confidently. After a long history with Pootle, TYPO3 is moving on to Crowdin, to take translation to the next level.
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