Upcoming Elections in the TYPO3 Association 2021

Categories: Association Created by Peter Kraume
Hand putting vote into ballot box.
In 2021 four positions on the Board of the TYPO3 Association will be re-elected. In addition, there are three positions on the Business Control Committee (BCC) up for re-election.

The term of office expires this year for the following members of the Board and the BCC:

TYPO3 Association Board:

  • Olivier Dobberkau
  • Stefan Busemann
  • Peter Kraume
  • Petra Hasenau

Business Control Committee:

  • Ingo Schmitt
  • Roberto Torresani
  • Daniel Bachmann (due to resignation from mandate)

What Does the Work on the Board and the BCC Entail?

The Board takes care of the daily operations, the vision and the budgets of the TYPO3 Association. Furthermore, the Board is part of the Supervisory Board of the TYPO3 GmbH.

The BCC works to increase transparency. It monitors the TYPO3 Association's activities and finances, to secure confidence and trust in both the processes and elected bodies of the TYPO3 Association.

Find out more about roles and responsibilities on the the Board and the BCC on the Fields of Responsibility page.

The average time committment for a role on  the Board is four hours per week. For the BCC, it's  one to two hours per week.

Who Can Get Elected?

Starting from today until 28 February 2021, anyone can nominate themselves for the vacant positions. Please use only the official nomination form to submit your nomination:

Nominate Yourself 

You can also suggest others for a role in either body of the TYPO3 Association. The Board will take care of contacting the suggested persons.

Suggest a Candidate 

Who Can Vote?

All positions of the Board and BCC are elected directly by the members of the TYPO3 Association. If you are a member you will be emailed  a voting token in March 2021. You can then cast your vote between 21 March 2021 and 4 April 2021.

Good to Know

If you choose to accept your election, you have to become a personal member (Community or (recommended) Bronze Membership) of the TYPO3 Association.


  • 4 February 2020: First announcement of the election & start of online nomination
  • 28 February 2021: End of nomination
  • 28 February 2021: Initiate a voting committee
  • 1 March 2021: Set up discussion platform to interact with the candidates
  • 8 March 2021: Second announcement of the election
  • 21 March 2021: Start of the online voting
  • 4 April 2021 at 23:59 CET: End of the online voting
  • 13 April 2021: General Assembly held to  approve the result of the online voting
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