Presentation of the Candidates for Board and BCC Elections

Categories: Community, Association Created by Peter Kraume
The nomination phase for the upcoming elections to the TYPO3 Association Board and Business Control Committee (BCC) ended a couple of days ago and we’re happy to present the candidates. Thank you to everyone who has agreed to run for office!

For the Board we have 5 candidates:

And for the BCC we have 6 candidates:

Each candidate is presented with a short profile. At the bottom of each page you can find a discussion section where you can ask questions to the candidates. Please feel free to get in touch with the candidates!

The voting tokens will be sent out to all members of the TYPO3 Association on 21 March 2021.


  • 8 March 2021: Second announcement of the election
  • 21 March 2021: Start of the online voting
  • 4 April 2021 at 23:59 CET: End of the online voting
  • 13 April 2021: General Assembly held to  approve the result of the online voting
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