TYPO3 General Assembly 2021

Categories: Association Created by Rachel Foucard
Be part of an important moment in the democratic life of the TYPO3 project. The next TYPO3 General Assembly will be held on 13 April, 2021. Due to the Corona situation, this year again the General Assembly will be a full online event.

Register for the next TYPO3 General Assembly

Some readers may not be aware of how the TYPO3 project works, so this article is an opportunity to explain its main aspects.

The TYPO3 Association’s main mission is to build the groundwork for the TYPO3 project. It empowers the TYPO3 community with infrastructure and guidance, and its decisions are long-term oriented. The income from memberships, donations, and events is used every year for Core development and community projects. 

What Happens at the General Assembly

Each year, the TYPO3 Association members are invited to attend the General Assembly. At this event:

  • The Board representatives present their Annual report, the Annual financial statement and reports of the statutory auditors and the business control committee.
  • The Budget and the Program of activities for the running year is presented. 
  • The result of the online voting for the Board and the Business Control Committee (BCC) members is officially approved.
  • Any complaints against executive bodies are heard.
  • Any appeals against an expulsion or rejection of a provisional admission resolution of the Association's board are discussed. 

Register for the General Assembly

If you’d like to attend the next TYPO3 General Assembly, you have to be a TYPO3 Association member since 21 March at the latest, and you need to register yourself  until the 11th of April 2021. We'll send you instructions about how to access the Webinar one day before the event. 

Submit a Petition

As a member of the TYPO3 Association you are allowed to send in petitions which are discussed and decided at the General Assembly. Submitting petitions is allowed until two weeks before the General Assembly and will close at 31 March 2021. 

More Information About the General Assembly

All further information will be published at the General Assembly 2021 page.  

We are looking forward to welcoming you.

—The TYPO3 Board

Register for the next TYPO3 General Assembly

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