Report From the eGovernance Conference in Tartu, Estonia

Categories: Event Report Created by Stefan Busemann
Three men at a booth with an orange TYPO3 design, all dressed business casual.
With a prime booth location and the TYPO3 orange, we were easy to spot. The three TYPO3 representatives talked with delegates from more than 25 countries! Photo: Stefan Busemann (CC BY)
TYPO3 attended the conference for the second time and we made many new connections at our popular booth. Our focus on governance, digital sovereignty, and digital infrastructure in the Global South is creating much interest.

After great outcomes from last year’s eGovernance Conference, in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, I was very much looking forward to this year’s event. The host city was no longer Tallinn, but the 2024 European Capital of Culture, Tartu, in the middle of the country.

Daniel Homorodean, Mathias Bolt Lesniak, and Stefan Busemann attended the 10th eGovernance Conference, in Tartu, Estonia, 28–29 May 2024, for the TYPO3 Association, as a part of the Meet TYPO3 initiative. Daniel leads the TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee, Mathias is the TYPO3 project ambassador, and Stefan is treasurer in the TYPO3 Association board. See upcoming Meet TYPO3 events.

Estonia’s Wish to Build Digital Infrastructure World-Wide

After landing in Tallinn, I met up with TYPO3 project ambassador Mathias Bolt Lesniak, and we boarded the conference shuttle bus to Tartu. Daniel Homorodean, leader of the TYPO3 Community Expansion Committee, met us outside the bus and we headed for the hotel.

The conference kicked off with a social warm-up at a traditional shipbuilding center for river boats. There were numerous new faces, showing us that the organizers had invited many countries for this event. Although we met some old friends, there were plenty of new people to meet and greet.

The eGovernance conference is organized by the eGovernance Academy (eGA). It is an Estonian government-funded organization aiming to “increase the prosperity and openness of societies through digital transformation.” Estonia is leading the way when it comes to government digitization, and it is obvious that they wish to help others have similar success with digital infrastructure.

A Popular TYPO3 Booth

From the morning after and for the next two days, we manned the TYPO3 booth at the conference venue, the Estonian National Museum. It was an impressive building, and we were lucky too, with a prime booth location. 

The TYPO3 orange always makes us easy to spot, and we met delegates from more than 25 countries!

Daniel had brought a large stack of our very popular TYPO3 booklets, highlighting the project with the government of Rwanda and the benefits of open source to digital sovereignty. At the end of the two days we had almost run out, and we have since heard back from some who found it great reading material on the flight home.

The first conference day ended with what the organizers called a “science party” at Tartu’s AHHAA Science Centre. A place both for further conversations and popular science experiments.

Looking Back, Ready to Return

After two days of constant interaction, we were exhausted, but happy. We relaxed by taking a walk in Tartu, a beautiful city with many old and historical buildings.

Summing up the conference, it was a great success for TYPO3’s expansion efforts, with many new contacts made, also in new countries and regions. The event has a perfect target audience for our needs, and we should return there next year.

Governance and eGovernance is essential both to governments and open-source projects, so the topic fits very well to TYPO3. 

We will return with more booklets and more case studies!

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