Supervisory Board Elections
Over the last year, the Supervisory Board has done a lot to define its role. The members are involved in a number of important tasks to ensure the continued success of the TYPO3 Company.
In this situation, continuity is important and we unanimously decided to reelect the current Supervisory Board until the General Assembly in April 2022:
- Olivier Dobberkau
- Ric van Westhreenen
- Stefan Busemann
The Supervisory Board oversees the TYPO3 Company on behalf of the owner, the TYPO3 Association. It is elected for two years by the TYPO3 Association Board at the General Assembly.
Policy for Committees and Official Teams
We decided to create a working group with members from the Board and the community to work on policies for teams and committees. Please feel free to contact the Board if you would like to be part of such a group.
Many parts of our organization are lacking clear decision-making processes and responsibilities, as well as rules for empowerment and disempowerment of positions. We believe this unclarity can cause unnecessary uncertainty and disagreement in the association, community, and company, if left unaddressed.
Difficult Member Management
We decided to initiate a project to improve the systems and processes for member management.
The management process and the low quality of the member data is causing problems for the Association and reduces member satisfaction. For example, changes of data are not automatically synchronized between the back office system and our CRM (Hubspot), meaning that members might in some cases not be assigned correct benefits. For agency members, email addresses are often general info@ or invoices@ addresses, which means the Association will sometimes only reach an uninterested secretary or accountant, and not the person responsible for the membership.
Formalizing and Communicating our Vision for the TYPO3 Company
It is important to the Board to provide a clear vision to the Company and we think it will lead to better collaboration between the Company and the Association and the community, and clearer understanding of each other’s roles.
During 2020, we will work to formalize our expectations and communicate them to the Company and the community.
Budget Adjustments Due to the Corona Crisis in 2020
The COVID-19 (Corona) crisis means that travel and hotel costs will be much lower than expected in 2020. We are asking budget owners to look for ways to spend their budgets in alternative ways. Changes in the budgets must be approved and unused funds can be reallocated to new budget ideas in a second budget round for 2020.
We will also ask for the budget tool at to be extended so it is easier to get an overview of unused budgets.
Documenting the Board’s Internal Processes
We started a process to improve the documentation of our internal processes. This will result in a handbook for Board members and a calendar workflow that will help us onboard new members.
Central IT Disaster Recovery Planning
At the moment, there is no central documentation of what disaster recovery plans exist within our organization. We will work to create a central list of information technology services, their disaster recovery plans, and who is responsible for them, and how they are expected to report incidents.
If a disaster recovery plan is missing, it must be created.
Proofreading: Tony Lush