Motivation Research Team Status Report — July 2023

Categories: Community Created by Oliver Klee
Collage with colors, painted silhouettes of runners with raised arms, and a tachometer
Credit: Collaged images by Matthias Speicher and Lance Grandahl / Unsplash
The Motivation Research Team now is an official team, has a new name, and is growing.

About the Team

The Motivation Research team has been working as a community initiative group since December 2021, under the name Gamification Working Group.

This is the team's mission:

Volunteer communities like the TYPO3 community need our help in times of pestilence! We develop a ready-to-use concept to increase motivation, focus, engagement and productivity in these communities (including remote and on-site sprints). For this, we research topics like motivation, psychology, group building, gamification, and game design, and we build expertise in these areas.  

We learn from each other, and we have fun. We also eat our own dogfood.

This year, we shifted our focus from gamification to research on motivational psychology in general, and how to apply it to non-profit communities (like the TYPO3 community). To reflect this shift, we have changed our name to the Motivation Research Team, and we are pleased to announce that we are now an official TYPO3 team. 

Goals for This Year

The team's focus for the second half of 2023 is:

  • Getting more members fully trained as experts in motivational psychology.
  • Identify and implement the first ready-to-use motivation concept building blocks.
  • Spread the word at barcamps about our work.

Welcome New Members

After the TYPO3Camp Mitteldeutschland 2023, we are very pleased to welcome two new members, Ann-Kathrin Wermekes and Yasmin Haustein.

We meet the second Wednesday of each month for our team call on our Discord server.

Are you interested in getting involved? We are open to new members! Please join the #motivation-research channel on TYPO3 Slack.

Additional contributors for this article
  • Copy Editor : Felicity Brand
  • Content Publisher : Mathias Bolt Lesniak