How Motivation and Commitment Drive the TYPO3 Community

Categories: Community Created by Davyd Rabinovych
Cartoon-style drawing of programmers working in an open-plan office.
Credits: AI-generated image generated at by Oliver Klee (CC-0)
The commitment and enthusiasm in the TYPO3 community is largely driven by the dedication of its members. Read on to discover insights from the community motivation survey.

As the Motivation Research Team, our goal is to make working in volunteer communities not only more engaging and motivating, but also more fun. Based on our research, we asked ourselves: What drives TYPO3 community members and what might be holding them back?

About the Survey

To answer these questions, we went to the community. During September and October 2023, we conducted a comprehensive survey about motivation in the community, in which 43 people participated. This anonymous survey aimed to identify both the motivating factors and barriers to collaboration and engagement within the community. 

Insights From the Survey

By analyzing and grouping similar responses, we were able to pinpoint the key motivators and demotivators. 

The top motivators were:

  • A sense of community
  • Appreciation
  • Personal growth
  • Feeling part of something bigger 
  • Connecting with other people 

Demotivators included factors such as:

  • Lack of time 
  • Personal priorities
  • Lack of recognition
  • Inadequate leadership 
  • Unclear processes

Next Steps

With these insights, we are now turning our attention to developing practical tools to further increase motivation within the community. This is where the EMPAMOS method comes in. The EMPAMOS® Toolbox is a creative thinking tool developed by the Nuremberg Institute of Technology. It is a scientific approach to increasing the self-motivation of employees and making organizations fit for the future. This method allows us to design customized gamification concepts based on the identified key motivators and demotivators. Our approach combines expertise in motivational psychology with innovative gamification elements to create an environment that both inspires and motivates long-term participation.

The results of our research and the subsequent application of the EMPAMOS methodology highlight the importance of understanding the underlying needs and motivations of community members. This is the only way to create an atmosphere that not only engages, but also motivates and inspires in the long term.

Find Out More

Discover more about our purpose, vision, and mission on our team page, Motivation Research Team

If you’d like to get involved, we welcome new members. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 19:00 (CET). Reach out to Oliver Klee on Slack for more information.

Additional contributors for this article
  • Proofreader : Felicity Brand
  • Content Publisher : Mathias Bolt Lesniak