Introducing a New Way to Meet TYPO3

Screenshot of the event listing at, showing two Meet TYPO3 events: DrupalCon and Boye 22.
Meet TYPO3 events are differentiated from other events in the event listing with their gray dates. The event titles always start with "Meet TYPO3 at".
There is a new event listing at, where all of the titles start with “Meet TYPO3 at …”. These are external events where a person representing TYPO3 will be present.

The official TYPO3 events are great and the community-organized TYPO3 camps are an amazing way to get to know the community. Still, we often forget to mention it when people from TYPO3 also participate in events outside of our own bubble.

See Upcoming Non-TYPO3 Events

Meet TYPO3 At …

By advertising these events through TYPO3's websites and social media, we encourage people to attend, giving them the opportunity to approach the TYPO3 representatives. This engagement will create positive synergies for the TYPO3 project and the worldwide open source community.

Collaborating, Learning, and Being Open Source

TYPO3 should be an active participant in the open source community and a promoter of open source ideals.

Participating in and contributing to external events is an opportunity for:

  • Interaction and collaboration with other open-source communities.
  • Mutual learning and insights across technological, cultural, and national borders.
  • Outreach and increased visibility for TYPO3 and open source in new and existing markets.

Participating in an event can be fun and engaging, but many TYPO3 users live in areas where there are no official TYPO3 events or camps. Highlighting other opportunities to meet TYPO3 representatives can therefore create engagement and increase contribution, also within our own community.

Who Can Represent TYPO3 at External Events?

The people who can represent TYPO3 at external events are the same that can already be listed in the You Can Meet section in some events at These are:

If you attend an event in an official capacity as a part of this program, you have to write a brief report for 

You can read more about the requirements in the Content and Marketing documentation.

More Than Just Being There

Of course, nice conversations and exchanges are good, but the best is if TYPO3 can bring something more to the events where we attend. 

At the moment, three slide decks are in development:

  • TYPO3 CMS: About TYPO3, features, cases, etc.
  • Open Source CMS: About the benefits of using an open source CMS such as TYPO3.
  • Open Source: About the benefits of open source with TYPO3 as an example.

Would you like to help make meeting TYPO3 even better and help develop the program? Contact Mathias Bolt Lesniak or join the Marketing Team.

See Upcoming Non-TYPO3 Events

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