Rules of Procedure for the TYPO3 Association Board

Version 2.0, 20 of January 2018

Below you find the regulations of the TYPO3 Association Board in conducting its business. They are the rules of order.

1. Responsibilities of the Board

a. The Board is responsible for the coordination of business operations in line with the statutes.

b. The Board conducts business in accordance with the laws, the statutes, any expert council decisions and these Rules. 

c. The activities are jointly managed by the Board (collegiality).

2. Board Composition

The number and type of Board members are defined in the statutes, the job descriptions can be found in the "Job Descriptions". The "Job Descriptions" of the Board are adapted by a vote of all its members; this also applies to any changes thereof.

3. Election procedure and term of office

Election procedure and term of office are defined by the statutes.

4. Meetings, Minutes (Protocol) and Agenda

  • a. The Board holds bi-weekly meetings by telephone- or videoconference. The meeting dates shall be determined during the previous session. About a week before the meeting the actuary (secretary) shall publish the meeting agenda. He is also responsible for the writing of the minutes (protocol) after the meeting. The minutes (protocol) draft is subject to approval; the final version is made available online.
  • b. The Chairman decides on the participation of guests.
  • c. Four times a year a physical meeting shall be held. Same rules apply as above.
  • d. Attendance is mandatory at all meetings. In case of leave or illness, the member who is unable to attend the meeting has to notify the Board in due time.
  • e. In exceptional cases, physical presence at meetings can be replaced by video- attendance. This can be justified if physical attendance exerts a disproportionate financial burden (e.g. travel costs if the member lives in another continent). Exceptions will be approved individually.
  • f. Every point of the minutes (protocol) must contain a unique issue number and a clear title, a name of the responsible person, the item description, a deadline, a classification as “public” or “not public” and the item priority.
  • g. an online meeting should not longer last then 60 minutes. 
  • h. Each Board member should report shortly about all other tasks (category "personal task (work in progress)" at the beginning of a meeting
  • i. sequence of a bi-weekly hangout:
    • Sticky items
    • Board Reports about personal tasks
    • Decisions
    • Discussions

5. Responsibilities of the Board Members

  • The Board mailing lists must be read regularly; emails must be replied within 3- 4 working days.

  • The Chairman decides about additional business assignments and responsibilities of the individual Board members.

  • The working relationship among the Board members is based on the principles of sincere cooperation, mutual openness, transparency and respect.

  • During the meetings, the Chairman manages and coordinates the respective activities of the Board members. Also, each member regularly provides information to the Board on all important developments and activities in his/her area of responsibility. Each member, irrespective of his/her professional responsibility has to coordinate all issues of fundamental and essential importance with the Chairman.

  • Avoid excessive discussions on the mailing lists; they should be kept for the meetings.

  • Decisions can be made over the mailing lists. VI. Quorum, Decision of the President, Circulation Procedure, Consulting and Decisions Quorum, Decision of the President, Circulation Procedure, Consulting and Decisions are regulated by the Article 21 of the statutes.

  • Signature Rules The Signature Rules are regulated by the Article 21 of the statutes.

  • Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest. According to the Article 16 of the statutes: "Dual positions can not be held on the Board, the Advisory Board and the Control Committee. A legal person can be represented only by one person in the Board, the Expert Advisory Board (EAB) and the Business Control Committee (BCC). Persons who have been in a legal dispute with the Association and those who are or were contracted and paid by the Association during the previous two years are not eligible to stand as a candidate."

6. Committee and Workgroups

The Board is working toward the aims of by-laws. Therefore  each Board member is part of at least one committee. A committee is introduced by the Board and has to report towards the General Assembly.

A workgroup is a temporary group, to solve a speficic issue. Once the issue is solved, the working group is disbanded automatically.

7. Official Board Language

The official language of the Board is English. Meetings of the Board may be conducted in other languages if all members are able to read, speak and understand this language.

8. Communication channels

These channels have to be used by all Board members for official internal Board communication:

  • Slack for real time conversations and discussions. The Slack channel has no decision character.
  • Mailing list for important mail flow. Decisions can be taken by mail.
  • Google Hangouts  / Slack / Gotomeeting for calls / Board meetings