Budget Number | Budget Title | Budget Owner | Board (Accountable) | BCC (Responsible) | Area | Budget 2023 |
4000 | TYPO3 CMS (funded by TYPO3 GmbH) | Benni Mack | Stefan Busemann | Ingo Schmitt | Product Development covered by TYPO3 GmbH | 125.000 € |
4001 | TYPO3 Certification (funded by TYPO3 GmbH) | Marc Willmann | Daniel Fau | Ingo Schmitt | Innovation, Events and Education | 24.000 € |
4009 | TYPO3 Security Team | Oliver Hader | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Product Development | 25.000 € |
4010 | TYPO3 Server Team | Andri Steiner | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Infrastructure | 52.940 € |
4018 | Strategy Process | Ric van Westhreenen | Stefan Busemann | Ingo Schmitt | Innovation, Events and Education | 150.000 € |
4082 | Documentation Maintenance and Improvement | Lina Wolf | Stefan Busemann | Ingo Schmitt | Product Development | 40.000 € |
4109 | University Days | Martina Alhswede | Mathias Bolt Lesniak | Oliver Perle | Innovation, Events and Education | 5.000 € |
6510 | typo3.org Maintenance | Thomas Löffler | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Infrastructure | 7.000 € |
6511 | Phone & Postage | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Oliver Perle | Infrastructure | 1.000 € |
6515 | Insurance | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Oliver Perle | Infrastructure | 1.500 € |
6519 | Other administration expenses | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Oliver Perle | Infrastructure | 3.000 € |
6520 | Transaction costs | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Oliver Perle | Infrastructure | 10.000 € |
6521 | Exchange lost | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Ingo Schmitt | Infrastructure | 1.000 € |
6530 | Financial revision | Stefan Busemann | Boris Hinzer | Jochen Weiland | Administration | 5.000 € |
6531 | Trademarks | Ric van Westhreenen | Boris Hinzer | Edward Lenssen | Administration | 22.000 € |
6532 | Lawyer | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Edward Lenssen | Administration | 11.000 € |
6533 | Backoffice | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Edward Lenssen | Administration | 42.000 € |
6534 | Data Privacy | Stefan Busemann | Boris Hinzer | Edward Lenssen | Administration | 12.000 € |
6539 | Association Compensation | Olivier Dobberkau | Boris Hinzer | Edward Lenssen | Administration | 69.600 € |
6547 | Membership in other organisations | Petra Hasenau | Boris Hinzer | Edward Lenssen | Innovation, Events and Education | 3.500 € |
6552 | President's Initiatives | Olivier Dobberkau | Stefan Busemann | Oliver Perle | Innovation, Events and Education | 4.000 € |
6553 | Expenses GA | Peter Kraume | Stefan Busemann | Oliver Perle | Administration | 500 € |
6555 | Travel Bucket for Pool | Olivier Dobberkau | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Administration | 20.000 € |
6563 | TYPO3 Accessibility | Michael Telgkamp | Stefan Busemann | Edward Lenssen | Product Development | 3.000 € |
6600 | Expenses Marketing | Stefan Busemann | Olivier Dobberkau | Oliver Perle | Infrastructure | 3.000 € |
6602 | Communications, PR & Media | Mathias Bolt Lesniak | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Innovation, Events and Education | 56.000 € |
6611 | Localization Team | Peter Kraume | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Product Development | 4.000 € |
6612 | best practices | Daniel Siepmann | Stefan Busemann | Jochen Weiland | Innovation, Events and Education | 1.000 € |
6616 | Out Reach Sprints | Benni Mack | Stefan Busemann | Edward Lenssen | Innovation, Events and Education | 15.000 € |
6618 | Dialogue Day | Stefan Busemann | Boris Hinzer | Jochen Weiland | Innovation, Events and Education | 2.312 € |
6623 | Motivation Research Team | Oliver Klee | Olivier Dobberkau | Oliver Perle | Innovation, Events and Education | 1.500 € |
6643 | Community Expansion Committee | Daniel Homorodean | Boris Hinzer | Oliver Perle | Innovation, Events and Education | 32.188 € |
6650 | Education Committee | Marc Willmann | Olivier Dobberkau | Edward Lenssen | Innovation, Events and Education | 7.500 € |
6652 | Country Comittees (French, NL, AT) | Olivier Dobberkau | Boris Hinzer | Ingo Schmitt | Innovation, Events and Education | 2.000 € |
6653 | Academic Committee | Martina Alhswede | Mathias Bolt Lesniak | Ingo Schmitt | Innovation, Events and Education | 5.490 € |
6655 | UX Team | Rachel Foucard | Boris Hinzer | Ingo Schmitt | Innovation, Events and Education | 10.000 € |
6657 | TYPO3 Camp Nantes | Rachel Foucard | Boris Hinzer | Ingo Schmitt | Product Development | 5.126 € |
6658 | Content Types | Lidia Demin | Boris Hinzer | Ingo Schmitt | Product Development | 11.000 € |