Get TYPO3 CMS popularity up to speed in The Netherlands!

Idea Submitted by: Jasper Verbunt

What is your idea about?

The popularity of TYPO3 in the Netherlands had never took of as it did in Germany. For some reasons the Drupal CMS took a leading position in the Dutch Open Source CMS market.

How we want to do that: Create a media plan together with Emerce to position TYPO3 as a solid enterprise open source CMS. Magazines ads, bannering and events are logical parts of this media plan. Also blog posts on : are part of this. 

Goal: We want more agencies to consider using TYPO3 for web development. Only if we're are able to create a bigger community we will be able to expand the TYPO3 coverage. 

What is the potential impact of your idea?

If we're able to create momentum in the Netherlands as in Germany we could expand the TYPO3 product fast, as the market for digital development is good in The Netherlands. The community will grow rapidly.

Approximate Funds needed

€10,000 - €25,000

As we agencies we're open to :
1. Invest time for the events (voluntary contribution)
2. Invest time for creating marketing
3. Open to fund also some direct ad spend

Comment of the TYPO3 Association Budget Committee

The Committee supports the idea. It has to be coordinated with the TYPO3 Company.


Please use the commenting section below and provide us your feedback for that idea.