Translate TYPO3 using Crowdin

Idea Submitted by: Georg Ringer

What is your idea about?

 Currently TYPO3 misses a state of the art workflow to have translations of labels for the core and all extensions. See for a detailed description.

What is the potential impact of your idea?

Being able to reach non english people, especially admins who are not so familiar with english and also editors

Approximate Funds needed

€25,000 - €50,000

There are multiple projects needed to reach the full goal of having TYPO3 really translated:
1st) Finish the code base to have translations done
2nd) Let developers have their extension on Crowdin available
3rd) Projects to inivite agencies, editors, the community to improve the translations.

Comment of the TYPO3 Association Budget Committee

The project should be coordinated with the Core Development Team or even be covered by the Core Development Budget.


Please use the commenting section below and provide us your feedback for that idea.