Members Have Selected Four Ideas to be Funded in Quarter 2/2024

Audience from behind, looking at projection screen with white lightbulb and word "idea" on orange background.
The TYPO3 Association member poll for the Quarter 2/2024 budget ideas has been finished and the four winning ideas will be funded by the TYPO3 Association.

On 1 November 2023, we launched the community budget process for 2024. For Q2 TYPO3 Association members were asked to vote on their favorites. As a result, the TYPO3 Association has granted budgets totalling € 32,500 to four ideas. Two of these granted budgets are successors of the Q1 budgets, which proves the important value of these projects to the TYPO3 Community.

  • Funding for implementing rector rules by Simon Schaufelberger will create more rules to update TYPO3 to V13 (€ 5.000).
  • Create a standalone Application beside TYPO3-Rector to modify Non-PHP Files (like TypoScript, FlexForms etc.) based on Major Upgrade Rules by Sebastian Schreiber (€ 7.500). 
  • ACL UX/UI Improvements based on feedback gathered from a survey that was taken during our previous work on the ACL budget idea by Łukasz Uznański and his team (€ 10.000). 
  • Improve TYPO3 error log by Rostyslav Matviiv. He will enhance the log management system by implementing several key features aimed at optimizing error tracking and response (€ 10.000).

Next Steps

The winners will now start to work on their projects. They will be supported by the Business Control Committee (BCC). The people responsible for each idea project will report about their progress at If they succeed, they will be paid their allotted budget.

From the BCC’s Point of view, all ideas would have been worth funding. Having a look at the voting results, we do see favorites, but the results in the main field are very close and a few more votes could have changed the overall results. We encourage all participants of the first idea rounds to take part in the round for the third quarter of 2024. The call for ideas will be announced in May 2024.

The first results of the Q1 budgets have already been published at The remaining results will follow in the next few weeks.

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