Community Budget Idea Report: Implementing TYPO3 Rector & Fractor Rules Q2

Simon Schaufelberger provides an update on the work undertaken on his Community Budget Idea for Q2.

Work on implementing new TYPO3 Rector rules continued in Q2, with over 20 new rules created. Additionally, I created nine new rules for the new migration tool called Fractor, developed by Sebastian Schreiber and Andreas Wolf.

Addressing Breaking Changes in TYPO3 v13

Although the number of breaking changes that could be easily migrated with Rector was relatively small, they presented significant challenges. For instance, TYPO3 v13 moved some configuration into other files like the User TSConfig or Page TSConfig. These rules were very different compared to the code migrations within the same file as new files have to be created but existing files also be considered. New rules have been developed to address these cases. 20 deprecations and breaking changes targeting TYPO3 v13 have been resolved in total. You can see the completed issues here: Closed TYPO3 v13 issues

New Rules for TYPO3 v12

In addition, five new rules were created for TYPO3 v12. All closed TYPO3 Rector issues and pull requests for Q2 can be found here: Rector Q2 2024 Funding Milestone

Migration of Rules to Fractor

As outlined in the budget proposal, there was also an effort to migrate some TYPO3 Rector rules for TypoScript and FlexForms to Fractor. Over the past three months, nine FlexForm rules and ten TypoScript rules have successfully been migrated to Fractor. All merged Fractor pull requests for Q2 can be found here: Fractor Q2 2024 Funding Milestone

An overview over all TYPO3 Fractor rules can be found in the documentation here: TYPO3 Fractor Rules

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