Bring the TYPO3 Guidebook to Your Next Meetup

Categories: Community, TYPO3 CMS Created by Felicity Brand
Audience looking at a TYPO3 Guidebook presentation.
Original photo by: Charles Deluvio /
The newly released TYPO3 Guidebook can lend your next few Meetups some structure. Hands-on tutorials and a complete overview of TYPO3 make for great group discussion touchpoints, so think about introducing the TYPO3 Guidebook to your community. Discount codes are available, too!

A Great Companion for Your Next Meetup

Newly released, The TYPO3 Guidebook: Understand and Use TYPO3 CMS is a great resource for your next meetup. If you’re a meetup organizer and you’d like to share the TYPO3 Guidebook at your next meetup, we’ve prepared the following slides for you:

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Please share the slides with your community!

In the Guidebook

The TYPO3 Guidebook is broken down into various sections, any one of which would make for a great focal point for your next meetup—whether in person or online. Part 1 of the Guidebook contains an overview and tour of the CMS, including: 

  • TYPO3 Showroom: see what others have done with TYPO3.
  • Designing and Planning with TYPO3: How to plan a website, taking into account TYPO3’s approach to layouts and functionality. 
  • Building and Extending TYPO3: What you need to know about TYPO3 so you can build sites efficiently. 
  • Launching and Maintaining TYPO3: Find out what typical maintenance is required, and set expectations around updating and upgrading. 

The second half of the Guidebook contains modular, step-by-step tutorials, including: 

  • Installing TYPO3 
  • Creating your first TYPO3 site
  • Extending TYPO3
  • Plan, build, and use content elements
  • Create your first standalone extension
  • Creating a password-protected members’ area 
  • Translate your site
  • Configure content management workflow
  • Making TYPO3 successful for your business
  • Debugging and troubleshooting

Get a Discount Code for Your Group

We offer discount codes for events, so please reach out if multiple members of your Meetup or organization would like to buy a copy. If there’s enough interest, we may also be able to provide a free PDF and a bulk discount order for your members. We need about a 2-week notice to get coupon codes, so if you’re interested, please reach out to jesi(at) straight away.

Need a Guest Speaker?

If your meetups are remote, the authors of the book are available as guest speakers on a wide range of topics related to TYPO3 and open source. Please reach out to press(at) to arrange for one of the authors to join your next meetup!

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