The TYPO3 Guidebook is Available for Pre-Order

The TYPO3 Guidebook cover
We’re delighted to announce this book is now available for pre-order. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go directly back into The TYPO3 Association.

Pre-Order the TYPO3 Guidebook at (Due 20 December 2020)
Also available at: • • •

Introducing the TYPO3 Guidebook!

We called it a “guidebook” because we imagined someone using this book to plan a journey. We wanted to save them hours of research to point out the important landmarks and best ways to get to their destination: an awesome website built with TYPO3 v10. 

In speaking with Olivier Dobberkau, President of the Board of the TYPO3 Association, for the foreword, he said: 

“When I started in TYPO3, the only way to learn something was by asking questions, even documentation was rare. It was like talking around a campfire in those early days. Even today, TYPO3 is still a lively conversation where everybody can contribute... This book is a part of that heritage.

Our community is open and heartful; everyone is eager to share their experience. This book is proof of what a great community has gathered around TYPO3, and what we have been able to achieve.”

Throughout the book, we tried to capture the essence of the community and to encourage the reader to make use of the resources available. 

Who Is This Book For?

The TYPO3 Guidebook is written with a range of readers in mind to give them a warm welcome to a powerful CMS, and friendly community. When we first heard about making a book that would work as well for students, project managers, developers, and marketers—it sounded like a great challenge. We worked with the community to come up with an outline that would suit these diverse audiences. 

The book structure echoes the modularity of the TYPO3 system itself. There’s a “core” with the essentials, and then guides are like extensions to adapt TYPO3 to your needs. This format provides the reader with a chance to learn how TYPO3 works from the bottom up according to their own experience levels and interests. 

Part 1: An overview tour. The book starts with a broad overview to help business analysts, project managers, and consultants understand TYPO3 capabilities. “The first part contains four chapters that could give anyone with a technical background insight into how TYPO3 works,” I mentioned in a recent interview.

Part 2: Hand-on Guides: This is followed by a series of essential guides to show how to get up and running with TYPO3. Guides include clear learning outcomes and scenarios to make it easy for the reader to choose. This provides the reader with insight into “why” as well as the step-by-step “how.” 

This book fills in a gap for those who are new to TYPO3. There are already a number of TYPO3 books for TYPO3 developers such as TYPO3 Extbase or for those preparing for certification, such as the TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator Study Guide, both by Michael Schams. The TYPO3 Guidebook also lays the foundation for future TYPO3 books and e-books to delve into niche topics in more depth, without having to cover all the bases again. 

What Is in the Book? 

The first part of the book includes:

  • TYPO3 Showroom. See what others have done with TYPO3, demonstrating the features and strengths. 
  • Designing and Planning with TYPO3. See how you’d plan a site, taking into account TYPO3’s approach to layouts and functionality. 
  • Building and Extending TYPO3. What you need to know about TYPO3 so you can build sites efficiently. 
  • Launching and Maintaining TYPO3. Find out what typical maintenance is required, and set expectations around updating and upgrading. 

The modular Guides are step-by-step tutorials. 

  • Installing TYPO3 
  • Creating your first TYPO3 site
  • Extending TYPO3
  • Plan, build, and use content elements
  • Create your first standalone extension
  • Creating a password-protected members’ area 
  • Translate your site
  • Configure content management workflow
  • Making TYPO3 successful for your business
  • Debugging and troubleshooting

What’s next?

The book is available for pre-order now. The official release date is 18 January 2021.

All author remunerations from the book will go directly back into the community via the TYPO3 Association. The graphics are going to be part of an asset library owned by the community. 

Pre-Order the TYPO3 Guidebook at (Due 18 January 2021)
Also available at: • • •

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