A First Glimpse of TYPO3 v11

Categories: Development, TYPO3 CMS Created by Benni Mack
Illustration: Modified from vectorportal.com (CC BY 4.0)
TYPO3 v11 System Requirements and Release Dates.

While you’re enjoying TYPO3 v10 LTS, released in April 2020, we are working on the next version—TYPO3 v11.

Today we have news regarding our release schedule and the minimum requirements, so you know what to expect.

Updated System Requirements and Dependencies

The minimum system requirements for the server will be raised:

  • PHP 7.4+ (from PHP 7.2–7.4 for TYPO3 v10 LTS)
  • Database support (as defined by our dependency Doctrine DBAL)
    • MySQL 5.7.2 or later (8.0 recommended), previously this was MySQL 5.5+
    • PostgreSQL 9.4 or later (9.6+ recommended)
    • MariaDB 10.2.7 or later (10.4+ recommended)
    • SQL Server 2012 or later
    • SQLite 3 (as bundled with PHP)

As for the browser support, we support current browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based only)
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Safari + Mobile Safari
  • Google Chrome + Chrome for Android

We are also going to update our dependencies and require the following libraries:

  • Doctrine DBAL 3.0
  • Symfony 5.2+
  • Twitter Bootstrap v5
  • Composer v2 for composer-based TYPO3 installations

Overall Goals for TYPO3 v11 LTS

With TYPO3 v11, we aim to achieve the following high-level goals:

  • Quick and straightforward upgrade path from TYPO3 v9 and TYPO3 v10 installations
  • Improved experience for editors and administrators
  • Focus on accessibility for TYPO3 Backend
  • Streamlined authentication

Feature Highlights

We have a ton of features planned. Most of them are tentative and subject to change, depending on what we’re able to achieve as a community, but a few are set in stone already:

Link Sharing and Deep Linking for TYPO3 Backend

Editors can share links to the active module via email, instant messaging, etc. When editors with the right access privileges click the link, they will see the same page in the TYPO3 Backend.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Our focus on strengthening security will continue with TYPO3 v11. One major factor is a hardened authentication system to allow administrators and editors to use a secondary device (Two-Factor Authentication) to verify their login to the TYPO3 Backend. The API can also be enabled for Frontend users on a website.

Improved TYPO3 Backend Experience

The Structured Content Initiative and the Accessibility Team have made huge efforts to provide better and more usable functionality across the TYPO3 Backend, so we’re moving towards a more intuitive and easy-to-use TYPO3 Backend experience for editors and administrators. 

While a lot of the changes will be subtle, the overall backend experience will become snappier. On top of that, the latest budget ideas from the TYPO3 Association brought in some great ideas—and a lot of them will be included in TYPO3 v11. These changes will come gradually, and each minor release will contain new and updated user experience improvements.

API Changes

We’re improving the Extbase framework, the authentication process, better Composer support, and content persistence for workspaces. Some changes will impact third-party extensions, but we’re aiming to have these changes ready by December 2020, so site administrators and extension developers will have enough time to ensure their code will run smoothly.

Release Dates and Support Timeline

We plan to always release on Tuesdays, as you’re used to from the past years.

Version Estimated Release Date Planned Changes
TYPO3 v11.0 December 22, 2020 New system requirements and breaking changes
TYPO3 v11.1 February 23, 2021 Multi-factor authentication
TYPO3 v11.2 May 4, 2021 Link sharing for TYPO3 Backend
TYPO3 v11.3 July 13, 2021 To be defined
TYPO3 v11.4 September 7, 2021 Feature freeze
TYPO3 v11.5 a.k.a.
October 5, 2021 LTS release

Each TYPO3 sprint release (v11.0 to v11.4) will be supported until the next minor version is published. TYPO3 v11 LTS will be supported with bugfixes until April 30, 2023, and we will provide security bugfixes for TYPO3 v11 LTS until October 31, 2024.

Mark your calendar and watch out for new features coming for TYPO3 Core in the next months!

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