• Shrink-wrapped smoked salmon with text: "TYPO3Camp Nantes merci les sponsores!"

    The Only German at the TYPO3 Camp France

    Categories: Event Report, Community
    Created by Lina Wolf
    The TYPO3 Camp Nantes was held on 6–8 October, 2023. It was my first time attending this camp and I was the only German participant. It was the smallest TYPO3 Camp I have ever been to — with about 25 participants — and it had the highest red wine-to-beer ratio of any camp that I have attended!
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  • TYPO3 at the Web Engineering Unconference

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Ingo Schmitt
    The Web Engineering Unconference (WEUC) held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, is an unconference about web technologies and performance. Limited to 100 attendees, this two day bar camp-style conference creates a family atmosphere for people to share their knowledge and experience.
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  • Male face smiling into camera. Banner with "DrupalCon Pittsburgh 2023" in background.

    Being TYPO3 at DrupalCon Pittsburgh

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    The four-day event was the largest Drupal event in the USA in 2023. It included talks, workshops, all-day seminars, and ample time for contribution. Conferences like these are a great way to learn about other open source projects, how they organize their events and communities, solve their problems, and celebrate their successes.
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  • Person at lectern in front of projection screen with yellow background and a blue drop shape.

    Being TYPO3 at DrupalSouth

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    This year’s regional Drupal conference took place in Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand. TYPO3 visited to talk about open source collaboration and for an opportunity to inspire and be inspired by what happens in a nearby bubble.
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  • Cinema projection screen showing the title silide from the joint FOSS CMS community meeting.

    Recap of the Joint FOSS CMS Community Meeting

    Categories: Event Report, Association, TYPO3 CMS
    Created by Felicity Brand
    Representatives from Drupal, Joomla, TYPO3, Wordpress, and OpenForum Europe held a joint community meeting to talk about the European Union’s proposed CRA legislation, and why cooperation between our projects is important. Contribute your thoughts by answering eight questions!
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  • Two men in dark suits standing outside a hotel entrance.

    Being TYPO3 at the Transform Africa Summit, 2023

    Categories: Event Report, Community, Association, Marketing
    Created by Daniel Homorodean and Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    Transform Africa Summit (TAS) is the continent's flagship conference on strategic digital transformation. The event took place in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, in April 2023. TYPO3 was also there, along with heads of state, government ministers, directors of national agencies and many more relevant stakeholders.
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  • Three people standing around a TYPO3-branded booth table.

    TYPO3 Prominence at e-Governance Conference in Estonia

    Categories: Event Report, Community, Association
    Created by Stefan Busemann
    The 9th e-Governance Conference, held in Tallinn, Estonia, on 30–31 May, 2023 was a landmark event for global digital governance. TYPO3 had a prominent place as a leading content management system (CMS) in the context of digital sovereignty. We emphasized TYPO3’s ability to empower governments and organizations to maintain control over their digital infrastructures.
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  • Being TYPO3 at Everything Open in Melbourne

    Categories: Event Report
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    Report from a three-day conference on open source in Australia’s second largest city.
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  • Three people sitting on a small stage with a fourth person on a screen behind them.

    Being TYPO3 at a Seminar on Locally Led Development in Civil Society Partnerships

    Categories: Event Report, Community, Association
    Created by Mathias Bolt Lesniak
    Well-governed, free and open source projects like TYPO3 can help put international development cooperation back in the court of real, fair collaboration.
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  • Report of Web Camp Venlo 2023

    Categories: Event Report, Community
    Created by Luisa Sofie Faßbender
    Web Camp Venlo 2023 spanned three days, each with a different focus, catering to a particular audience and with specific intentions. While the first day was entirely devoted to deep-dives on technical developer topics, the second day catered more to the business side of things with talks from different industry experts. The event concluded with a barcamp-style day offering a wide range of topics directly from the participants.
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