Budget Owner’s Guide

As a budget owner, you are responsible for your budget:

  • Do not exceed your budget. We cannot cover expenses exceeding your budget, so you should make sure to keep track of all expenses.
  • Keep your deadlines: 
    • In your budget application, you committed yourself to milestones. Keep in mind that your budget is bound to these milestones.
    • Bookkeeping closes around 15th December each year, so you should submit all of your invoices before this date.
  • Report on your activities. Most budgets are bound to a report, so please don't forget to write a report.
  • Ensure that invoices are correct. Invoices with formal errors may be considered as illegible for refund.
  • Food and beverages at sprints are allowed to get reimbursed. They do not cover expenses during travel time. The expenses should stay reasonable. Expenses for excessive alcohol consumption can be disallowed, even after the sprint.

Budget types

There are two types of budgets:

  • Budgets for teams and infrastructure is granted by the Board of the Association and supervised by the BCC. 
  • Budget Ideas. They are granted in each quarter after a member poll.


    • Budget Idaes are discussed by the Budget Committee, publicly by the Community and then rated by the Members via Memberpoll.
    • The Board decides about the final budget application and then grants the application fully or partly.
    • The Budget owner will receive a formal budget agreement (via mail). The agreement must be confirmed by answering the mail.
    • The Budget will be set up in  the reimbursement tool. The budget is accepted by the Budget owner automatically, once the first reimbursement is done.

    Budget Application Form

    As a budget owner, you need to hand in a budget application form.  Please send a copy or the link of your application to budget(at)typo3.org

    Your budget application can contain three different types of costs:

    • EN: enabling costs (travel, hotel, infrastructure, food and beverages during sprints; tickets for events, etc)
    • WT: worktime costs (we prefer funding projects that use a maximum of 50% paid working time)
    • AC: acknowledgements costs (acknowledgement of effort which is not in direct relation to working hours or items, for example, an amazon voucher. If money is acknowledged, it should not be higher in sum as the same result in working hours)

    Please note: The TYPO3 Association wants to foster contribution with our budgets. Applications with less working time will be preferred.

    Tips for budget planning:

    • Try to organize sprints. Gather many people at the same time and/or location.
    • Announce sprints at typo3.org and social media, to get more people involved.
    • Public reports are essential! Write about your work in order to make it visible and entice more people to your team or project.
    • You are allowed to use your budget to attend events, if you use this event to make your project public and invite people to contribute.
    • Report early to the Budget Team, if you need less or more budget.

    Change a granted budget during the running year

    If the scope of a budget changes during the project / budget period, the budget owner can apply to adapt the budget.

    1. Create an updated dudget application (pdf) and describe the changes of your budget and send it to “budget(at)typo3.org”
    2. The BCC will review your demand and decide about your request and inform you.

    If your request is accepted by the BCC, they will upload the document to “Documents” section of your budget

    Please update the purposes of your budget to adapted budget application

    Formal Requirements

    When you receive an invoice, please check:

    When you receive an invoice, please check that it complies with the Travel Expense and Reimbursement Regulations.

    What do we fund, what is not getting funded

    The TYPO3 Association wants to support the TYPO3 project, TYPO3 CMS and it's community. We are happy about any ideas, which are working towards our goals and fit with our rules:

    • Budget Ideas must be aligned with our five goals
    • We don’t want to freelance people
    • Invested money, must create a value towards our members. project or product
    • Working time in a budget should not exeed 50%
    • Regular work / tasks should be done by the TYPO3 company
    • Development of Extensions is not the focus of TYPO3 Association