It is a beautiful Saturday here at the Linux Hotel after an equally beautiful week. We had our last meeting at 10.00h this morning and now everyone is heading home to join their families. Some relaxation after an intense week of working (and having fun, for sure).
The website is not completely finished, but we are close to the finishing line. An estimated 83% (maybe 84%) of the work is done. As most of the attendants are committed to continue working on the website during the next weeks, we are positive that soon we'll have a beautiful relaunch on the start.
There are issues open from every part of the project - content, design and technic. However, the site will be open for public beta viewing within the next few days for a first glance on the work the team did. A phase 2 will be in effect after these issues have been solved and after that the beta testing can begin. And that is where you come in.
What else happened the week... Thursday, during the day the massage crew from Afterwork Wellness, sponsored by Mittwald, arrived to take care of the tired bodies. Sitting behind a screen for this long can get you kinda stiff. They set up their gear in the park and a number people were treated. A very welcome change. Thanks to the girls and our sponsor for this treat!
On Thursday evening our social event took took us to the Unperfekthaus (Imperfect House) in Essen, Germany. This unique facility is like someone took the digital open source community and planted it in the real world. For a flat fee, the house is open to everyone. It features a restaurant and a small hotel, seminar rooms, but most importantly studios for any artist who wants to work there; there's a catch: the artists have to be open for anyone to drop in an watch the work. We were full of awe and rumour has it that some of the next TYPO3 meetings will take place there. If you're in the area, go to the Unperfekthaus.
On Friday we spent the day burning as many tickets as we could as you can see on the burn down chart …..and then we all crashed for the last night at the Linux Hotel.
The TYPO3 association says thanks to all of you! It was tremendous what you have done in this week
The participants by groups:
Project Manager: Hilmar Tómas Guðmundsson
- Patrick Broens
- Steffen Kamper
- Thomas Löffler
- Søren Malling
- Benjamin Niediek
- Tolleiv Nietsch
- Ingo Renner
- Arno Schoon
- Michael Stucki
- Fabien Udriot (Remotely from Cambodia)
- Kai Vogel
- Christian Zenker
Front end
Project Manager: Robert Zierhofer
- Sven Lubenau
- Carina Schneider
- Denis Zastanceanu
- Artem Matevosyan
Project Manager: Alain Veuve
- Stephanie Buhr
- Christian Franke
- Jeremy Greenawalt
Core Team
- Joern Bock
- Ben van 't Ende
- Kian Gould
- Berit Jensen
A special thanks go out to AOE for preparing the week and the folks from the Linux Hotel, especially to Uschi who was ceaselessly watching over us.