The relaunch of is something you have all been waiting for. It seemed like ages to get this far, but we finally made it thanks to a lot of people. It was a bumpy ride. A project like this is dependent on voluntary work that could in a lot of cases not be done on a dedicated basis.
Good News Everyone! will be relaunched on April 2nd, 2012.
To make the relaunch happen there are still a number of issues that need to be fixed. We have 53 issues left on<link http: projects team-t3o-relaunch-week _blank> aimed at the relaunch of April 2nd. There are more issues, but we were able to make a good division between what is necessary for launch and what can be done after launch.
The weekend from March 31st - April 2nd will be the final sprint weekend before the launch. We aim to have all major issues resolved before this weekend so we can fully dedicate ourselves to going live in this weekend and specifically on April 2nd. We have sent out invitations to all former participants to attend this weekend and to fix issues mentioned previously.
It is our intention that will be considered a product like TYPO3, FLOW3 and Phoenix and will be part of the Product Board meetings that will shortly start. With the hindsight we now have, Joern Bock wrote a maintenance concept that invites companies to commit and participate in being responsible for parts of Running a huge technically complex website like cannot be solely dependent on voluntary work. Of course the role the community plays in maintaining the content of the website is more important then ever. An Editorial Team under the leadership of Sacha Storz is waiting to get their hands on the content. The Design Team together with our 'branding manager' Rasmus Skoldjan will keep an eye on the appearance of the website.
The preview of is available on <link http: _blank> and will be updated regularly.
We will keep you updated during the sprint of our progress. You can follow us on twitter with the hashtag #t3o
T3O is the name for the long anticipated Website Relaunch project. After the big success of the TYPO3 User Experience Week the TYPO3 Marketing team has decided to use the same concept for a project in which the new design, structure and functionality for will be completely implemented and launched. The start of this project was in Essen, Spring 2011 and after that another sprint in September 2011, which unfortunately did not finalise the project.
What? <link http: _blank>Launch the new website
When? March 31 - April 2, 2012