Many sessions presented an extension or development in the TYPO3 world, among others we got a view of the current status of NEOS and Andy Grunwald's metrics which give us a fascinating analyse of the TYPO3 code base and its contributors. Other sessions solicited input for the best way to go forward, for example how themes can be integrated in future, discussions of improved backend usability, and the general theme of improved communication and community involvement. Yet other sessions were not directly linked to TYPO3, such as sessions about Jira, Kanban, and Scrum for the project managers, or logfile management, Gitflow, and Varnish for the system administrators.

Overall the weekend had a great can-do atmosphere, drawing participants from as far away as Bremen, Hannover and Ravensburg as well as a few Dutch visitors! Thanks to all the sponsors and attendees who made this event possible. See you next year, we hope!