TYPO3 Summer of Code 2012 - it happens!

Categories: Community Created by Tobias Liebig
You might already read the article on typo3.org about our own approach of a Summer of Code. It really happens!
I wrote down some basic rules and a roadmap for the summer in the wiki on <link http: wiki.typo3.org t3soc2012 _blank>wiki.typo3.org/T3soc2012. Now it's your turn to hand in a project proposal. We are really looking forward to it.

Basic Rules

  • There is no money/stipend
    • We are not Google and this summer of code is not related to Google at all! We have our own rules and own timeline. We won't have any stipends for your project (sorry), which means you won't receive any money for working on a project. We try to find some sponsors for maybe travel costs, T3CON-Tickets and some swags (no promises here).
    • But we will make sure you will recieve as much fame and appreciation by the community as possible.
  • You will be guided by a mentor
    • For each project we will assign (at least) one mentor. Your mentor is well-known to the community and most likely a Core Team Member, too. He will be your guide, your project manager, contact person, door into the community, helping hand regarding communication. He will help you to do the conceptional work, will nudge other people if you depend on them and is open to all questions about TYPO3 and the community. He will make sure your project is on track and going into the right direction.
  • No need to be enrolled at a university
    • You do not need to be enrolled as a student, but need to make sure you will have enough time to work on the project during the summer (see our roadmap below).
  • We will require regular reports
    • To make sure your project is still on track and to help you best, we will need you to report and communicate on a regular base with your mentor. We will encourage you and your mentor to make some buzz on your article (blog articles, twitter, google+).


We don't have any sponsors yet. If you are interested in supporting the T3SoC drop me a note at tobias.liebig(at)typo3.org


  • now - 6.5. Students hand in their application.
    • Choose a project to work on. Get inspiration from <link http: wiki.typo3.org gsoc2012 ideas _blank>wiki.typo3.org/Gsoc2012/Ideas
    • Describe your project and tell us a little bit about yourself. Have a look at the application template and try to answer all questions in your proposal:<link http: wiki.typo3.org gsoc2012 ideas _blank>wiki.typo3.org/Gsoc2012/Application_Template
    • We might want to publish some parts of your proposal later. Make sure outsiders can get your project idea from reading your description.
    • Put your proposal on <link http: wiki.typo3.org t3soc2012 _blank>wiki.typo3.org as a subpage of "T3soc2012".
    • Title our page like "T3soc2012/Proposal/{mycoolproject}" and send us a link to tobias.liebig(at)typo3.org
  • 7.5. - 25.5. Finish up Project Proposal; Mentor assignment
    • We are going to read your proposal and give you some feedback.
    • We will assign a mentor to you as early as possible. He will help you to finish and cleanup your project description and fix your Roadmap.
    • <link http: wiki.typo3.org gsoc2012 mentors _blank>wiki.typo3.org/Gsoc2012/Mentors
    • If you have any preference, tell us in your proposal.
  • End of May Announcements of the projects
    • We will publish your project description and start some buzz about it.
    • Use this week to get in contact with your mentor and setup yourself.
    • Make sure your dev envoirment and all perquisite are ready, so your can start right away from 1st of June
    • Setup a project on <link http: forge.typo3.org _blank>forge.typo3.org
  • June/July/Aug Coding period
    • Work on your project.
    • Push your code to forge (or github) as often as possible.
    • Do at least weekly meetings (Skype/BBB/GoogleHangout/Whatever) with your mentor. Report him what you have done in the last week and what are you going to do in the next days. If you get stuck, need any help or feedback, this is the place to ask for it.
    • Publish a brief weekly report on your blog and as a mail to your Mentor, the admin and the dev maillinglist.
    • Let us know, where you publish such thing, so we and the community can follow your project progress.
    • Take care about the replies and feedback you receive.
    • All Mentors and the Summer-Admin will meet every two or three weeks to make sure everything its fine. Your mentor will need to report the status of your project in this meetings. Make sure to keep him up to date.
  • 31.8. Suggested end of coding period
    • Aim to have everything done by end of august. Really make sure everything you have done is finished ('done done').
    • Prefer to postpone a feature instead of having something half-finished.
  • 1.9. - 21.9. Finish things up
    • Cleanup your code. Make sure all unit tests are green (and also make sure sure to have some).
    • If suitable/feasable, setup a public demo system.
    • Write and publish a final report about your project.
    • Prepare a 10 minute presentation for our talk at the T3CON12 in Stuttgart.
  • 4.10. - 6.10. T3CON12 Stuttgart
    • We are going to present your project at the T3CON12. We really would love to see you there. If try to find sponsors for the ticket and travel costs (but can't promise anything by now; we will keep you updated as early as possible).
If you have any questions, drop my a mail at tobias.liebig(at)typo3.org We are really looking forward to your awesome projects!