The Department of Computer Science of the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg is again organising the Froscon conference. FrOSCon is a two day conference on Free Software and Open Source, taking place for the second time on August, 25th/26th(this weekend!) at the Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in Sankt Augustin near the cities of Bonn and Cologne. TYPO3 will be presented at this conference amongst other projects.
The conference revolves around a rich schedule of talks, highlighting current topics in Free Software and Open Source. Moreover, developers will be offered a large Free Software / Open Source space, allowing them to organize their own meetings or even their own lineup of events.
A wide variety of talks will establish the foundation of the event. Current topics on Free Software and Open Source will be presented in five auditoria/lecture rooms in parallel. FrOSCon gives projects in the field of Free Software and Open Source a chance to hold their own meetings by providing them with the necessary space and infrastructure.
TYPO3 is also present at the conference. There will be both a talk about the CMS as well as a workshop. TYPO3's presence is organised by Daniel Schiffner, (TYPO3 Certification Team) and Michael Pietz.
FrOSCon is mainly funded by donations and sponsors like Linux Mag. Only a low fee of 5 Euros will be charged for attendance. Pre-registration is encouraged and is available through the registration page.
FrOSCon is hosted by the Department of Computer Science in cooperation with the Linux/Unix Usergroup Sankt Augustin (LUUSA) and the Department of Computer Science's Board of Students (Fachschaft Informatik).
Registration and info can be found at <link http: _blank open source conference>the FrOSCon website.