The Interactive Knowledge Stack (IKS) is an open source community that aims to bring semantic technologies to CMS platforms. TYPO3 Phoenix is an early adaptor.
On the TYPO3 Developer Days 2012 some people from the TYPO3 Phoenix team have been asked by Henri Bergius to become early adaptor of the IKS project, adding semantic capabilities to TYPO3 Phoenix. Lately Henri has been actively working on integrating standards like RDFa into the system and traveling the world advocating interoperation between open-source CMSs.
We decided to join in, and attend the IKS demo workshops in Salzburg (june 2012). Christopher Hlubek and Rens Admiraal attended, and had some really inspiring days with people of the IKS project. It's a good thing to meetup with people from other communities like Wordpress, Drupal and Symfony2. But most of all it gave us some nice ideas on how semantic capabilities can help the editor in writing / enhancing articles in TYPO3 Phoenix.
Next months we'll work on integrating <link http:>VIE (Vienna IKS Editables, one of the IKS projects) in TYPO3 Phoenix, and by doing this enabling possibilities like content enhancement, tagging, connecting to a Stanbol service (semantic
services for content management) and a lot more. VIE acts as a bridge between semantic information and content. This project is sponsored by the IKS project and will be developed for TYPO3 Phoenix. Semantics are expected in the first beta release of TYPO3 Phoenix. Possible uses of VIE are auto-suggest related content, links and images for content.
Christopher Hlubek (middle) and Rens Admiraal(right) at IKS
We'll definitely keep you informed and make sure there will be buzz on <link http:>, twitter etc to keep you informed. Don't hestitate to contact <link>Rens if you're interested in this project or have any questions about it.