The Developer Days 2013 will feature workshops, tutorials, the coding night and the social event. Of course we will have some surprises in store for you as well. The Call for Workshops and Tutorials (Call for Papers) will also start on April 2 when the site goes live. We will continue the "Getting Things Done" approach we had on previous Developer Days. This year’s slogan will be "Getting together to make it happen!". T3DD13 will be a great way for you to get in touch with the developer community, to meet core devs, to learn and to contribute to the TYPO3 project in the many workshops dedicated to either TYPO3 CMS, Flow and Neos.
This year we wanted to carry the concept even further, but are not able to offer more than 175 places due to the size of the location. For everyone not able to join the developer days we will try to stream workshops and tutorials and to enable participation through chat.
We are aware of the fact that format and size is a topic for discussion through the years. There will be a discussion about the format of the DevDays at the event. As event team we would really like to discuss this with you and we are looking forward to your feedback. The DevDays is an event for the entire developer community in the TYPO3 ecosystem and this discussion will be conducted with participants at the DevDays and on the internet. You are welcome to let us know what you think in advance. Please submit your ideas, requests or suggestions by mail to <link>
Website: <link http: _blank>

T3DD13 will be held at ELBCAMPUS, Hamburg. ELBCAMPUS is the Competence Center of the Hamburg Chamber of Trade and is one of the most advanced training centers for crafts and small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany. The campus provides well equipped classrooms to facilitate T3DD13.
Website: <link http: de home index.php>
For questions regarding the event and submission of papers, the organizers can be reached via <link>