On the last two days of May the North American TYPO3 conference took place in the Golden Gate Club in San Francisco. It was a small event with around 90 TYPO3 enthusiasts from all over the world. The weather was great, the food was awesome, the presentations were inspiring and the people gave warm fuzzy community feelings.
Organiser Marc Infield introducing Day Two
The social aspects were well taken care of by Infield Design that also were responsible for the flawless organization. The event started with the pre-party at the Infield Office and a taco truck for the after-party. At the evening of the first day the attendants were treated to a boat trip on the Spirit of San Francisco taking the party across the bay from bridge to bridge.

The different projects were well represented at the conference. Benni Mack and Steffen Ritter represented TYPO3 CMS and Karsten Dambekalns, Robert Lemke and Christian Müller were there for TYPO3 Flow and Neos. As <link http: karsten.dambekalns.de blog a-look-back-on-t3con-na-2013.html>Karsten writes in his blog there were already a number of people running projects on TYPO3 Flow.
It was a pleasant surprise that the morning of Day 2 was dedicated to community with Carol Smith (Google), Jerry Gordinier (Atlassian) and Jono Bacon (Ubuntu). One common thing these presentations showed is how important it is to have face-time, a beer and personal contact with people from your community. That will greatly benefit communication and provide clarity.
Thanks to all attendants and the sponsors for making this a great event.