TYPO3 version 6.0 was released, as a major new version, on November 27. Version 5 was skipped to avoid confusion with "TYPO3 Neos" which is developed in parallel and carried the codename "TYPO3 5.0" for a long time. Sacha Storz described this very well in his article <link http: typo3.org news article from-47-to-60-a-brief-history-of-typo3-versioning>From 4.7 to 6.0 - a Brief History of TYPO3 Versioning. The File Abstraction Layer is among one of the most important new features. With the introduction of FAL it is now possible to store and use files not only from a local web server, but also from additional locations e.g. from cloud storage. With using FAL files are no longer being copied when used, but referenced and have a central meta-data management. Name spaces were also introduced with this version, laying a foundation to develop with modern standards. One of the nice-to-haves that has been implemented is drag and drop of content-elements in the page module. All information on this release can be found in the <link http: typo3.org download release-notes typo3-60-release-notes>General release n<link http: typo3.org download release-notes typo3-60-release-notes>otes, the <link http: wiki.typo3.org typo3_6.0 _blank>Technical release notes and the <link http: git.typo3.org typo3v4 _blank>ChangeLog. In the months of November and December there were also two maintenance releases for the 4.x branch. News item: <link news article typo3-cms-60-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-60-released/TYPO3 Flow and Neos
The re-branding introduced in October made it necessary that all referrals in the code base be changed consistently from Phoenix, TYPO3 5.0 to TYPO3 Neos. A number of <link http: neos.typo3.org download changes>improvements, changes and bug-fixes were done that led to the <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-neos-10-alpha-2-is-now-available>release of TYPO3 Neos 1.0.0 alpha2 right before Christmas. On the Flow front some work was done on a stand-alone TypoScript renderer. Furthermore work on session handling, Composer integration, role handling and Single Sign-On implementation was done. TYPO3 Flow 2.0 beta1 was <link http: flow.typo3.org download release-notes flow-2-0.html>released on December 14. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-neos-and-flow-november-2012>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-neos-and-flow-november-2012/Neos test package: <link http: neos.typo3.org download.html>neos.typo3.org/download.html
Prioritising the budget applications
The budget applications have been put online by the <link http: association.typo3.org expert-advisory-board>Expert Advisory Board in October of last year. The budget applications always exceed the amount of money that is available for the TYPO3 project, so it needs to be decided where the budget focus of the new year lies. For the first time the members were asked to participate in prioritising the budgets for 2013. This was done by making an online poll available to the members of the TYPO3 Association. The Expert Advisory Board will use the results to get a sense of direction for the budget decisions. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article budget-application-priority-poll>typo3.org/news/article/budget-application-priority-poll/Elections in the TYPO3 Association
Positions of EAB and BCC are elected directly by the members of the TYPO3 Association. Nominations for the <link http: association.typo3.org business-control-committee>Business Control Committee and the <link http: association.typo3.org expert-advisory-board>Expert Advisory Board were accepted until end of 2012. If you are a member you will get a voting token by email in January 2013. TYPO3 Association members will be able to cast their vote between 2013-01-18 and 2013-02-02. At the General Assembly in Basel the newly elected members will be announced. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article upcoming-elections-in-the-typo3-association>typo3.org/news/article/upcoming-elections-in-the-typo3-association/Code sprints and TYPO3camps
TYPO3camp Rhein-Ruhr (November 10-11)
With the steady increase in community activity we also saw the very first TYPO3camp for the Rhine-Ruhr area. This area, named after the Rhine and Ruhr rivers, is the largest metropolitan region in Germany. The TYPO3camp was held at the <link http: www.unperfekthaus.de>Unperfekthaus in Essen. It was the first Bar Camp for at least 30% of the attendees and for 80% their first TYPO3 event! The session themes ranged from project management with Kanban to the future of the TYPO3 Community, as well as many technical TYPO3 sessions. With over 100 participants and 37 sessions, it was a great success! News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3camp-rhein-ruhr>typo3.org/news/article/typo3camp-rhein-ruhr/Code sprint Freiburg (November 2-4)
The main topic for this code sprint was the Extension Builder and the Package Builder. The current Extension Builder has reached its limitations and it was decided to develop a new product called Package Builder. The aim for the Package Builder is to support both TYPO3 CMS, Neos and Flow along with a new user interface design. The outcome was a big step towards a re-factored code base integrating new features, a new UI with a clear vision for the future. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article second-typo3-codesprint-freiburg-in-2012>typo3.org/news/article/second-typo3-codesprint-freiburg-in-2012/Code sprint Hamburg (November 15-18)
The extbase team had its fifth code sprint already this year just prior to the release of TYPO3 CMS 6.0. The main purpose of this code sprint was to prepare Extbase for this final release of version TYPO3 CMS 6.0 Extbase is a vital part of the TYPO3 core and a basis for future-proof extension development. The focus of this sprint was mainly fixing bugs. TYPO3 CMS 6.0 was already in a feature-freeze state, so no new features are allow at such a stage. After three intense days of coding and lots of discussions a total of 44 patch-sets were merged, all relating to Extbase and Fluid projects. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article fifth-2012-extbase-code-sprint>typo3.org/news/article/fifth-2012-extbase-code-sprint/Code sprint Wiesbaden (December 6-9)
From December 6-9 the fourth code sprint for <link http: www.typo3.org>typo3.org was held in Wiesbaden. Its main target was streamlining the work done in previous sprints. The sprint started with 190+ issues in Forge and ended up with 50+ issues. Some 140 issues were resolved. This sprint was not only dedicated to <link http: www.typo3.org>typo3.org, but was also a meeting place for the server infrastructure team and the documentation team. There was also significant progress made towards a new forum that will be connected to the TYPO3 mailing-lists. <link http: typo3.org news article results-of-the-fourth-typo3org-code-sprint>typo3.org/news/article/results-of-the-fourth-typo3org-code-sprint/TYPO3 Usergroup Romania Meetup 2012 (December 8-9)
TYPO3 Usergroup Romania Meetup 2012, was a great success with 50 developers participating from all over Romania on December 8-9. The meeting was held in Cluj-Napoca. This Usergroup Meetup is the largest TYPO3 developers gathering in Romania and a good preparation for T3CON13 East Europe, which the organisation would like to have in June in Cluj. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-usergroup-romania-meetup-2012>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-usergroup-romania-meetup-2012/Website: <link http: meetup2012.typo3romania.ro en home>meetup2012.typo3romania.ro/en/home/