TYPO3 CMS 6.1 - Improve
Simultaneously with the typo3.org code sprint there was a code sprint dedicate to the File Abstraction Layer. The FAL project was initiated years ago under the umbrella of the BLE project. Financed by a budget by the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung FAL was one of the projects done to improve the usability of TYPO3. The basic idea of FAL is to have a DB driven layer between TYPO3 and your assets. Utilizing this will open up completely new possibilities like displaying usage information on a file or to deny users to delete a file which is used somewhere on the website and connectors to cloud storage. The antivirus software company <link http: www.gdata.de>G Data Software AG hosted this sprint in Bochum. There were a lot of different areas the team worked on, each developer had his/her own speciality and field to contribute to. some of these areas included: Media Gallery - an Extension that ships with a Frontend Extbase plugin to show FAL / media elements in a gallery, collection handling, improving usability, an external WebDAV driver and some smaller topics like "How do I delete file?" and "what is the correct default upload folder?" were identified and solved. There was one alpha release in March followed by two in April. The following noteworthy changes have been introduced in the alpha and beta releases: The main database connection class (formerly known as TYPO3_DB) now uses "mysqli" instead of the old "mysql" PHP extension, RequireJS has been introduced, the Caching Framework has now an additional XCache Cache Backend and of course 3rd party libraries were updated.
News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-cms-61-alpha-1-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-61-alpha-1-released/
News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-cms-610-beta-1-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-610-beta-1-released/

Google Summer of Code
TYPO3 has been accepted as a mentoring organization in Google Summer of Code 2013. This is the 4th year we participate. Google Summer of Code is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for open source projects. TYPO3 is currently preparing the applications. You are invited to help in this by becoming mentors and by sharing your ideas for projects. Previously, we had some very successful summers of code and we hope to repeat the same again this year. Website: <link http: typo3.org projects google-summer-of-code>typo3.org/projects/google-summer-of-code/WIKI: <link http: wiki.typo3.org gsoc2013>wiki.typo3.org/Gsoc2013
News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-accepted-for-google-summer-of-code-2013>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-accepted-for-google-summer-of-code-2013/

CMS-Garden at CeBIT (March 6-9, Hannover)
TYPO3 together with the most relevant Open Source Content Management Systems, like Contao, Drupal, Joomla, OpenCMS and Plone presented itself in the CMS-GARDEN at CeBIT 2013 from March 6 to 9. A group of people from these Open Source CMS communities worked together to bring the event to life. CMS-Garden is there to promote dialog between the CMS communities. The projects shared a common booth where every CMS had one dedicated monitor to display a demo of it’s CMS. Representatives of the projects were dressed in gardner fashion, which made quite a distinction from the overall very business like presentation of the other IT projects at CeBIT and got quite some attention. You can also visit the CMS-Garden at <link http: www.linuxtag.org en.html _blank>Linux Tag and <link http: www.froscon.de en home _blank>FROSCON. CMS-Garden is currently attempting to secure a booth at OSCON, Portland and will undoubtedly be present at FOSDEM, Brussels next year. Website: <link http: www.cms-garden.org>www.cms-garden.orgCode sprint typo3.org (March 21-24, Wiesbaden)

TYPO3camp Denmark (March 15, Ballerup)
TYPO3camp Denmark was great! 50 people gathered for one full day of talks, with subjects like "TYPO3 as third party CMS for social media", "How to contribute to TYPO3 and it's projects", (the obvious) "Neos" talk, general talk about Domain Driven Design "The domain event", "SEO in TYPO3" and "Advanced forms with TYPO3 Extbase". The Danish insurance company <link http: www2.topdanmark.dk>Topdanmark sponsored the location, lunch, drinks and have welcomed this event for next year as well - they got a great insight into where TYPO3 is heading. A great mixture of people with great knowledge and new people were gathered that day. Finished of with a beer and food in Copenhagen and a "see you next time"! Website: <link http: www.typo3danmark.dk camp tilmelding>www.typo3danmark.dk
TYPO3camp Venlo (March 9-10, Venlo, Netherlands)
At the first TYPO3camp this year and the first TYPO3camp in the Netherlands there was a nice cross-section of the TYPO3 community with representatives from the TYPO3 Association, TYPO3 teams and some international visitors. There was a great constructive feeling at the TYPO3camp Venlo and outside of the sessions there were quite some meetings and discussions going on about current developments within the TYPO3 family. Meeting face to face is important to touch base on what is going on and to ensure progress. Website: <link http: www.typo3campvenlo.nl en>www.typo3campvenlo.nl/en/News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3camp-venlo>typo3.org/news/article/typo3camp-venlo/
Coming events
North American TYPO3 conference (May 30-31, San Francisco)

T3UNI (June 24-27, Annecy, France)
The program of the French T3UNI for this year will return to “TYPO3 initiation and discovery" targeting our beginner audience and customers curious about TYPO3. The event aims to share the passion and it is with pleasure that we offer this university surrounding to share our experience with you all. T3UNI13 will feature technical presentations and satisfy even the most demanding guests. Website: <link http: t3uni.typo3-fr.org>t3uni.typo3-fr.orgDeveloper Days (July 4-7, Hamburg)
The eighth edition of the TYPO3 Developer Days will take place from July 4 - 7, 2013 at ELBCAMPUS, Hamburg, Germany. The Developer Days 2013 will feature workshops, tutorials, the coding night and the social event. Of course we will have some surprises in store for you as well. The Call for Workshops and Tutorials (Call for Papers) will also start on April 2 when the site goes live. We will continue the "Getting Things Done" approach we had on previous Developer Days. This year’s slogan will be "Getting together to make it happen!". T3DD13 will be a great way for you to get in touch with the developer community, to meet core devs, to learn and to contribute to the TYPO3 project in the many workshops dedicated to either TYPO3 CMS, Flow and Neos Website: <link http: t3dd13.typo3.org>t3dd13.typo3.org