From now on we will publish a monthly report on things happening in the TYPO3 community. In April the main thing happening was the relaunch week at the Linux Hotel in Essen.
Core Team
After the Berlin Code Sprint in March the version control system for V4 was changed from SVN to GIT. A webbased frontend interface (Gerrit) is available on<link http: _blank> The V4 core team definitely needs to get used to the new system. The number of contributions has dropped significantly. Documentation on GIT can be found in the TYPO3 WIKI (<link http: git _blank> Together with folks from the current release team we are investigating what can be done to improve the situation. One option is posting from Gerrit to the core mailing list. When a patch is attached to a bug report or a bug status changes, that could generate an automatic email to the core mailing list to inform the community that a fix has been made available.
Phoenix / FLOW3 Team
The TYPO3 5.0 and FLOW3 core team followed two major goals in April: stabilizing and finishing the features for the upcoming 1.0 beta 1 release and getting the very first TYPO3 5.0 based website online.
The T3CON11 website ( served as a perfect real-world goal and helped the team to focus on the really needed functionality. While the backend user interface didn't have to be really finished for the initial site launch, a lot of major and minor features were necessary to render the website. A big breakthrough was the introduction of the new TYPO3 5.0 plugin system which we use for providing all the interactive conference functions for the Call for Papers and the scheduling of sessions.
On May 4th, the core team was more than happy to announce the launch of the very first TYPO3 5.0 based website: <link http: news article first-typo3-50-website-launched _blank>
In the beginning of April the tenth TYPO3 Snowboardtour took place in the Austrian village of Zell am See. This results, of course, in tons of <link http: fotos-auf-flickr.10.0.html _blank>photos and<link http: youtube-videos.7.0.html _blank>videos, that are bundled together with tweets and other information on the<link http: _blank>T3BOARD website. This yearly week in the snow is a real highlight in our jam-packed event calendar. The mixture of fun, work, and good conversation with like-minded people is simply unbeatable. In the month of April the Call for Papers for the <link http: _blank>Developer Days 2011 was also issued. The US conference will be held in June and prepartions for the European conference are in full gear.
National committees
Cyril Wolfangel is actively working on the organization of the <link http: _blank>T3UNI, the french TYPO3 conference, that will be held from the 29th of June until the 1st of July. Roberto Torresani is doing the same for T3CAMP Italy, which wil be held on the 28th and 19th of October in Bologna.
TYPO3 version 4.6 – Release Team
The new version of the 4.x branch will be called 'rebase' and will be the first named release. Named releases are easier to relate to, so we hope to continue this tradition for future releases as well. Xavier had to fullfill his military service being a Swiss citizen in the month of April. We skipped some of the release team meetings because of his absence.
Design Team
Denis and Artem of the design team had a meeting with Rasmus Skoldjan about branding. Rasmus has been absent a few years, but is fully back on the brand. Rasmus was amongst others responsible for the current TYPO3 logo and the styleguide. Rasmus will engage in TYPO3 branding again. The team was made aware of <link http: f8-conference-badges _blank>badges Facebook uses for it's conference and we decided to use that concept for the European TYPO3 Conference. relaunch
From the 16th until the 23rd of April the Relaunch week was held. A lot has been reported on about this. The week was done in excellent spirit. We divided in of front end, developer, extension repository and an editorial team. At the end of the week it was estimated that we had 83% done. The follow up of the project was not done immediately due to the launch of the Association website and the set up of the deployment system we will use for the new We need at least some small sprints as follow up to finish the website.
Please let me know if you feel something is missing.