Foreword for August
July was a holiday month for me and as such I did not create a community report for that month. You can get an easy overview from our news-section: <link news archive july> It did not mean though that it was all relaxing for your community manager. As a matter of fact it might be one of the most important months in the year for me personally. In July I took part in the annual <link http:>Community Leadership Summit and the <link http: oscon2012>O'Reilly Open Source Conference (OSCON) in Portland, Oregon. There is a lot of Open Source stuff going on in Portland. I like the idealistic feeling that permeates through a lot of projects in Portland. CLS and OSCON featured quite some community stuff. CLS is specifically targeted at community and is the meeting place for community managers and leaders from all around the world. I talked to a lot of colleagues and the many sessions I attended gave me a good overview of what is going on in communities. Every year CLS provides usable community knowledge.
Budget Application

TYPO3 version 4.x
The month of August brought two releases for the current 4.x versions, one containing bug-fixes and one with security related fixes only. This brought 4.x to TYPO3 4.5.19, 4.6.12 and 4.7.4.TYPO3 version 6.0
At month's closing the first beta release of TYPO3 version 6.0 was published. This beta version introduces a feature freeze, meaning no new features will be integrated. The development team will focus only on fixing bugs, streamlining the behaviour of new features in the source code and in the user interface. Version 6 will be a major update and introduces a number of changes like the use of name-spaces and the File Abstraction Layer that enables you to hook up to your favourite cloud services. The release-team calls on you to test the coming releases. Your help is needed to bugfix these releases and to come to a stable major release on October 27. With every release we include the easily installable Introduction Package that let's you test TYPO3 version 6.0. The package is available from the <link http: download>download section on News item: <link news article typo3-60-back-to-the-future> item: <link news article release-of-typo3-version-60-beta1>
Extbase is a back-port of some features of FLOW3 to TYPO3. Extbase is shipped with TYPO3 as a system extension since version 4.3. Short of organisational and public relational achievements the Extbase team is full of ideas, initiatives and collaboration. This is all alpha state for the moment, but will come blossom soon. The team has regular Skype meetings of which the protocol can be found in the <link http: projects typo3v4-mvc wiki previous_meetings>Extbase Project WIKI. Many Extbase team members are core developers too, so it is no surprise 'the coders' currently concentrate on the coming TYPO3 6.0 release. The Extbase security framework is going to be supported from within the FLOW3 team after the T3CON12DE. Another code sprint to clean up the Extbase persistence layer and preparations for the actual implementation of the security framework had been scheduled for the week after the Stuttgart conference, mid-October. The bug-tracker is undergoing close scrutiny in order to get a clear picture what needs to be done. The first Extbase barcamp will be organised in the beginning of 2013. The team is still looking for a possible location.Screen casts
The screen cast team has been preparing for releases for some months now and a first result has been published. The <link http: user typo3>TYPO3 YouTube channel now features a screen cast showing features of the Introduction Package. We are moving all video material we have from Vimeo to YouTube. We surely nees some assistance there in moving, tagging and categorising the video's. If you are interested to help out you can reach us at <link> which is connected to our ticketing system.FLOW3 and Phoenix
FLOW3 1.1 was released in August. Ground work for Phoenix continued in parallel laying the foundation for the September Phoenix code sprint in Copenhagen. The content type definitions for Phoenix were finished providing a definite and basic set of content types. Phoenix will provide a wire frame template out-of-the-box so you will never have the “Template No Found” message all of us have come to love so much with out current TYPO3. Exciting stuff has been going on with TypoScript2 including the possibility to use it stand alone with FLOW3 packages for configuration and template rendering. Work has started in August to integrate <link http:>create.js, which will allow editing content right where it is shown. The <link http:>FLOW3 website was tweaked and FLOW3 1.1 was released. Work after the release included package management. News item: <link news article typo3-phoenix-and-flow3-august-2012> test environment: <link http:>
TYPO3 Conference Cambodia
T3CON12 ASIA, Asia's first TYPO3 conference took place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 17 - 19 August 2012. More than 20 talks provided an insight into web and mobile technology, IT Business Best Practices. The opportunity to learn, share and network was taken by 80 attendees who represented 14 countries. Asian representatives included guests from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam and of course Cambodia. The social event at a famous local Brewery further helped to strengthen the TYPO3 Community across continents.
Code sprints and TYPO3camps
It is becoming increasingly difficult every year to keep up with the activity of the TYPO3 community. In Germany alone there are 7 TYPO3camps this year and the number of code sprints seems to be even higher. The Introduction Package has become a very important entry point into the TYPO3 world for new users. For the release of TYPO3 version 6 some significant changes amongst which a new layout and new extensions are planned. In the beginning of August the 4-day Introduction Package Code Sprint took place in Venlo, where completion of the TypoScript and TSConfig migration to files, replacing the pi-based tt_news with an extbase and fluid based news extension were the most important topics. In these holiday months the activity was a little lower, but we have a <link http: code_sprint_linz_2012>code sprint coming up in Linz, one in Wiesbaden, end of this year for and two more TYPO3camps, one in <link http:>Regensburg and one in <link http:>Essen. News-item: <link news article code-sprints-for-typo3-60> <link news article introduction-package-code-sprint-venlo>
News-item: <link news article phoenix-code-sprint-copenhagen>
Coming events
T3CON12 Germany – October 4-6, Stuttgart
The call for papers for the international TYPO3 Conference 2012 T3CON12 Germany has ended and you can find the accepted talks on the conference website. Accepted talks: <link https: sessions.html> <link http:>
TYPO3congres Netherlands
The Dutch TYPO3 event for editors, webmasters and users is planned for November 6th. Leading speakers from Logica, Dutch municipalities and a broadcaster are on the program.