TYPO3 CMS 6.1 was released on April 30 bringing several improvements to the 6.x branch working towards the 6.2 Long Term Support release end of October. This version with the development codename ‘Improve’ targets stability over new features and polishes functionalities introduced in the 6.x branch. A lot of fine-tuning was done in the following areas: database connection, file abstraction layer and the extension manager. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-cms-61-released>typo3.org/news/article/typo3-cms-61-released/Extension Codesprint (April 4-7, Wiesbaden)
The ‘extension’ code sprint hosted by AOE media was dedicated to ‘extension’ in it’s broadest sense including TER (TYPO3 Extension Repository), the Extension Manager and package management for TYPO3 CMS 6.2. The Extension Manager module got an overhaul where the user interface and styling was brought in line with the styling of the backend and the connection to TER was stabilised. <link http: tmaroschik.dfau.de index.html>Thomas Maroschik is working on package management for TYPO3 CMS. The idea is that packages can be ‘classic’ extensions as well as <link http: getcomposer.org doc>Composer-based packages. This integration could be one major feature for TYPO3 CMS 6.2. News-item: <link http: typo3.org news article code-sprint-extension-4th-to-7th-april-2013-wiesbaden>typo3.org/news/article/code-sprint-extension-4th-to-7th-april-2013-wiesbaden/Extbase Codesprint (April 12-14, Munich)

Project page: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects show typo3v4-mvc>forge.typo3.org/projects/show/typo3v4-mvc
Inspiring Flow conference (April 19-20, Kolbermoor)
The second conference targeting TYPO3 Flow was held in the Kesselhaus on Kolbermoor again facilitated by <link http: www.techdivision.com>Techdivision. This time the focus of the conference was international and therefore the main language was English. This year roughly 170 participants from nine countries attended the conference. The majority already being part of the TYPO3 community. At the very heart of the conference there is of course still the support of the TYPO3 Flow team, the excellent food and the beautiful location. In his keynote <link http: www.robertlemke.de>Robert Lemke presented some of the improvements and new features in TYPO3 Flow 2.0 and talked about the Flow team spirit whose key values are humility, respect, trust. In the farther away future Flow 2.1 might bring cloud resources, minification & filters and REST, while for Flow 2.2 an integrated page cache, a reverse proxy and multi persistence are planned. Throughout the two days a wide range of topics concerning Flow were presented by the Flow team, TYPO3 community member and some from the PHP community. One topic that was of special interest in the light of our recent change to a family of product was <link http: oer.tel>Felix Oertel’s ‘How Flow influenced TYPO3 CMS’. More on the Inspiring Flow conference can be found in the <link http: typo3blogger.de inspiring-flow-conference-2013>article on TYPO3 Blogger by Peter Kraume, which also includes slides to most presentations. Website: <link http: www.inspiring-flow.com>www.inspiring-flow.comSlides: <link http: de.slideshare.net robertlemke inspiring-flow13-keynote>de.slideshare.net/robertlemke/inspiring-flow13-keynote
Article: <link http: typo3blogger.de inspiring-flow-conference-2013>typo3blogger.de/inspiring-flow-conference-2013/
Coming events

T3UNI (June 24-27, Annecy, France)
The program of the French T3UNI for this year will return to “TYPO3 initiation and discovery" targeting our beginner audience and customers curious about TYPO3. The event aims to share the passion and it is with pleasure that we offer this university surrounding to share our experience with you all. T3UNI13 will feature technical presentations and satisfy even the most demanding guests. Website: <link http: t3uni.typo3-fr.org>t3uni.typo3-fr.orgDeveloper Days (July 4-7, Hamburg)
The eighth edition of the TYPO3 Developer Days will take place from July 4 - 7, 2013 at ELBCAMPUS, Hamburg, Germany. The Developer Days 2013 will feature workshops, tutorials, the coding night and the social event. Of course we will have some surprises in store for you as well. The Call for Workshops and Tutorials (Call for Papers) will also start on April 2 when the site goes live. We will continue the "Getting Things Done" approach we had on previous Developer Days. This year’s slogan will be "Getting together to make it happen!". T3DD13 will be a great way for you to get in touch with the developer community, to meet core devs, to learn and to contribute to the TYPO3 project in the many workshops dedicated to either TYPO3 CMS, Flow and Neos Website: <link http: t3dd13.typo3.org>t3dd13.typo3.org