TYPO3 was awarded a spot at the CeBIT Open Source Lounge for this year and occupied a small booth from the 1st until the 5th of March. The Open Source Lounge is sponsored by CeBIT. We shared a larger area with other Open Source projects like Enlightenment, VLC, XAMPP and Plone.
Our booth was alternatingly staffed by Peter Proell, Eike Diestelkamp, Ingo Schmitt, Ingo Renner and Ben van 't Ende. Andreas Wolff dropped in on Saturday. Our fresh core developer provided some awesome insights to the visitors of our booth. Thanks you guys for representing TYPO3 there!
CeBIT is the largest event of it's kind in the world and not exactly a modest one at that. The large cooperations really show of here and invest a lot of money in their presence. It is an overwhelming show of consumerism spread over twenty halls, the size of a couple of football fields filled with electronics. The Open Source Lounge was ofcourse way more modest and a perfect home for TYPO3 just across the Mozilla and Libre Office booths.
The attention the TYPO3 booth got was quite overwhelming. We had two nice vertical banners in orange that were real eye catchers. Our small booth had just enough space for a laptop and above that we had positioned an extra monitor with a flash animation. The monitor was graciously provided by AOE media that was present in one of the other halls together with the commercial content management systems. During the opening hours there was a queue for most of the time with people wanting to see the new features of TYPO3 or just had some questions. There were quite a number of people enquiring about TYPO3 because their CMS broke when updating to the latest version or they had reached the limit of it's possibilities. The new home page of typo3.org proved to be an excellent presentation tool to point out to the features of TYPO3 like the Introduction Package and the Getting Started and TypoScript in 45 minutes manuals. Ofcourse we had the Introduction Package ready in both front- and backend to show it's features. Especially at an event like CeBIT you can see how enormously usefull the Introduction Package is. One of our main motivations of being at CeBIT was to inform people about the existence of the TYPO3 Association and why people should become a member of the TYPO3 Association. If you don't know yet, then read all about it at <link http: association.typo3.org membership-registration faq>
A special mention goes out to our neighbouring booths like VLC 'the player that plays it all'. The VLC booth was amongst others manned by Jean-Paul Saman who is organizing the Open Source event <link http: t-dose.org is a free and yearly event held in the netherlands to promote use development of open source>T-Dose in the Netherlands on 5 and 6 November 2011. TYPO3 will also be present at T-Dose. Another special mention goes out to our friends from <link http: www.enlightenment.org>Enlightenment, especially Carsten Haitzler. We can have those guys as neighbours anytime again. Enlightenment is not just a window manager for Linux and others, but also a whole suite of libraries to help you create beautiful user interfaces from small mobile devices like phones all the way to powerful multi-core desktops. Most of the guys are employed by Samsung. Carsten is pushing Open Source into Samsung. Keep pushing Carsten!!
For next year we are exploring the possibilities of having an Open Source CMS booth with the organizers from the Open Source Park, the paid equivalent of the Open Source Lounge. So we hope to see you at CeBIT next year.