On Wednesday evening, Google announced the <link http: socghop.appspot.com program accepted_orgs google gsoc2009>list of Open Source Projects that have been accepted to Google Summer of Code 2009. We are über happy to announce that TYPO3 has been accepted to Google Summer of Code for the first time!
Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a great opportunity for TYPO3 to participate in a fantastic program. It will allow TYPO3 to get some important projects done, grow our community, and become more known around the world.
About Google Summer of CodeGoogle Summer of Code is a program that offers student developers stipends to write code for various open source projects. Historically, the program has brought together over 2,400 students with over 230 open source projects, to create millions of lines of code. The program, which kicked off in 2005, is now in its fifth year. [Source: <link http: socghop.appspot.com document show program google gsoc2009 faqs>GSoC FAQ]
Student Applications
Student applications will be accepted starting Monday, March 23. If you're an eligible student and want to work on TYPO3, please have a look at our <link http: typo3.org development gsoc2009 ideas>ideas page. In case the ideas list doesn't offer a project for you right away, feel free to send us your own idea(s) you'd be interested to work on. Also for any specific questions regarding the ideas, feel free to directly contact any of <link http: typo3.org development gsoc2009 mentors>our mentors.
For any general questions regarding TYPO3 and GSoC we have set up a <link http: lists.netfielders.de cgi-bin mailman listinfo typo3-gsoc>GSoC mailinglist.
Next steps for Mentors
Mentors must sign up on the <link http: socghop.appspot.com>GSoC Appspot page and are also encouraged to join the GSoC mailinglist.
For further information on the next steps see the <link http: socghop.appspot.com document show program google gsoc2009 timeline>GSoC timeline, and the <link http: socghop.appspot.com document show program google gsoc2009 faqs>GSoC FAQ for general questions.
We are looking forward to many interesting and successful student projects; Good luck to prospective students!