The event season is really kicking of now with the Developer Days, Netherlands announced, TYPO3camp Venlo also Netherlands, CMS Garden at Internetworld, Munich and at CeBIT, Hannover. Some insight into the user group Nuremberg through an interview with organiser Jonas Jabari and a report on the Poznan Code Sprint
Week ending February 14
Martin Keck writes on his blog '<link http:>Three lines of code' about template systems (or as he calls it TemplaVoilà replacements) for TYPO3 CMS. Martin already wrote a first article about <link http: the-king-is-dead-long-live-templavoila-and-its-epigones-part-1-fluidtypo3>Fluid powered TYPO3 and this week writes about <link http: the-king-is-dead-long-live-templavoila-and-its-epigones-part-2-grid-elements-and-themes>Grid Elements and Themes the initiatives of Joey Hasenau and Kay Strobach.
Great to have this overview about the many ways templating can be done in TYPO3.
This week a bunch of community members started the <link https: projects team-composer>composer project for TYPO3 CMS on Forge. Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. The team states the following goals on the project page:
- install TYPO3 CMS and extensions via composer
- activate/deactivate Composer Packages in the Extension Manager (EM)
- control everything via a new composer based EM (long term goal)
The team also has it's very own homepage on <link http:>
TYPO3 Neos and Flow
Announced as the leading and international TYPO3 Flow and TYPO3 Neos event of the year the Inspiring Conference is taking place from March 28 – 30 in the Kesselhaus, Kolbermoor near Munich. The organisation <link http: schedule.html>published the speaker line-up and schedule last week including most of the Neos core team.
User group Nuremberg
Enthusiastic tweets reached us regarding the <link https: t3ugn>user group Nuremberg, which was attended by some 29 people on January 27. User groups and TYPO3camps feed the activity and enthusiasm in our community and have become an essential part of the livelihood of the TYPO3 community. We will be looking at some other user groups in the coming time.
Jonas Jabari organises this user group together with Michael Stingl. We asked Jonas some questions regarding this 'revived' user group.
Tell us a little bit who you are, what your relationship to TYPO3 is and what triggered you to organise this meeting?
My Name is Jonas Jabari, I’m 23 years old and I’m a web and software developer from Nuremberg. I’ve started building web pages with TYPO3 CMS something about five years ago. I used it in many projects and constantly learned new ways handling customer needs. Regarding the fact that there was no user group in Nuremberg for the last five years, Michael Stingl and me started to think about organizing a new user group.
We wanted to get the local TYPO3 Developers together and talk about cool things around TYPO3.
User group success varies. Some user group re very hard to keep together, some have a lot of lurkers and some are hugely successful. What is the key to success and how do you intend to keep the TYPO3 fire burning?
Thankfully we have a great location for our user group. The “Co-working Space Nuremberg” offers its rooms for local, non-commercial user groups of all kinds. Michael is one of the owners and therefore has a lot of experience in managing user groups. We hope, that a fixed location and the great atmosphere there helps keeping the user group together. Besides this, we think that our advanced topics are very interesting.
What topics were discussed at the meeting?
At our first meeting we’ve talked about Neos and Fluid powered TYPO3 and enjoyed some pizza. That was a nice combination. Thanks to Cedric Ziel (Member of the FT3 Team) and Andreas Förthner (Core Developer Neos) we’ve had the chance to talk about these two topics on a very advanced level. Thanks for that again!
Hopefully these advanced technical discussions will be one of the key signs of our user group. This is only possible, if all members participate in the user group by sharing there knowledge and experiences.
Do companies contribute to the success of the user group or is it based on individual effort.
The Co-working Space Nuremberg helped realizing the user group by hosting the first meeting. Furthermore the Co-working Space will regularly provide its rooms for our meetings. That’s a huge advantage. The team of Netlogix around Andreas Förthner enriched the discussion about Neos. That was a great experience for all guests.
Can the TYPO3 Association contribute to the user groups? Is there anything you miss support wise?
Until now, everything is fine. Thanks for asking!
Code sprint Poznan
Krzysztof Adamczyk gives us an overview of the second code sprint in Poznan:
Participants prepared 17 patches of which 10 have been already accepted and added to the new version of TYPO3 CMS 6.2, which soon become the new Long Term Support version. In addition, the group tested dozens of changes proposed by other developers.
The second edition of the Poznan Code Sprint had 13 participants. 7 people have sent a change proposal to the TYPO3 for the first time.
We are pleased to announce that TYPO3 Core gained new developers :
- Krystian Szymukowicz
- Mateusz Wojtu?a
- ?ukasz Jurys
- Karol Lamparski
- Jan Bartnik
- Przemys?aw Krukowski
- Micha? Jankiewicz
We are also delighted that the work on our website (<link http:> moves forward.
Micha? Szczesny and Krzysztof Adamczyk began work on the Vagrant machine preparation and on new templates.
We would like to thank our sponsors:
- SourceBroker (<link http:> ) for snacks and drinks,
- Tomasz Krawczyk for providing coffee and snacks
- Macopedia (<link http:> for the organization and the office for the CodeSprint
We hope to start preparing for the next edition of the Poznan Code Sprint soon.
Events in the Netherlands
Besides all the good things that already come from the Netherlands, we are proud to announce two TYPO3 events in the Netherlands.

The second edition of the international <link http:>TYPO3camp Venlo will be held from April 11 – 13. Last year the TYPO3camp had quite some international visitors to the TYPO3camp, among which many of our nearby German neighbours. This first TYPO3camp of the year is the kick-off for the TYPO3camp year. If you want to start the year in style then TYPO3camp Venlo is the place to <link http: en sign-up>be.
The organisers of TYPO3camp Venlo also bring you the <link http:>TYPO3 DEVELOPERS DAYS 2014 from June 19 – 22 in what is considered to be a pretty smart region, Eindhoven. Eindhoven is the place where PHILIPS, amongst others inventors of the CD, originated. Eindhoven has a large <link http:>technical university (powered by TYPO3) and a <link http:>High Tech Campus. T3DD14 will take place in techniekHuys (house of technics). The location is capable of housing a lot of people and organising an event with more people undoubtedly has its own challenges.

Ticket sale will start next week and other details will be revealed as well. It took some time before the negotiations were finalised. For the impatient ones among you the organisation lets us know that everything has been done to give information asap. In this case the bigger size of this year's event and language differences caused some delays. Sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long.

Keep an eye on social media (<link http: t3dd>twitter #T3DD14) and on for more details emerging the coming week.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.