The Neos Book is announced, beta5 of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS released and Neos code sprint.
Week ending february 7
TYPO3 Flow and Neos
Neos Book
Peter Kraume writes on <link http:>TYPO3blogger about the forthcoming Neos Book.

TYPO3 Neos is a big deal for anyone working with TYPO3 or the web. This major new release is one of the biggest and most ambitious open source projects and it’s just come to maturity, with the first stable versions released at the end of 2013. To help the community and the wider world get a head start on TYPO3 Neos a team of more than 30 core developers and technical writers are creating the Neos book. This book is for anyone who works with TYPO3 or wants to migrate to TYPO3 Neos.
The book will cover building complex, responsive sites from scratch, integrating with 3rd party systems and extending the functionality. Furthermore it will cover deployment, installation and management to production level.
The Neos Book is an initiative by Dan Frost <link http:>3ev, Dan's UK-based TYPO3 consultancy, together with 30 other contributors from the TYPO3 community like Robert Lemke and Karsten Dambekalns. Dan Frost is one of the guys that has been around the TYPO3 community from the very start, so like from 2000.
The book will be available in beautifully produced book, e-Book and PDF. To make the project possible there will be a crowd funding campaign. For further information you can sign up on the project website to get notified when the Kickstarter campaign launches. You can follow the Twitter Channel @NeosBook as well.
Neos code sprint
This weekend there is a Neos sprint mainly targeted at performance. The sprint is not widely announced, but nonetheless indicative of the focus and activity surrounding Neos. The <link http: events code-sprints typo3-neos-code-sprint>next Neos code sprint will be a 'big' one again from March 24 – 27 in Munich or Kolbermoor. More news on that code sprint will follow later.
As a result of the work at the <link http: news article code-sprint-koeln-2014-report>code sprint last weekend beta5 of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS was released. Here are the most notable changes were done in these areas:
- More Performance!
- Package Management improvements
- File Abstraction Layer: enhancements in the API and Drag&Drop uploader
- Cleanups in css_styled_content
- The deprecation log is by default turned off. TYPO3 is shipped in "Production Mode".
- Updated RequireJS and JQuery
- Workspaces functional test cases
- Template Analyser fixes
Release manager Ernesto Baschny (@Baschny) provides <link http: news article typo3-cms-62-lts-beta5-released>an extensive detailed overview of the changes in beta5 on
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.