This Week in TYPO3 (Week 50)

Categories: This week in TYPO3, Community Created by ben van 't ende
In this last This Week in TYPO3 of 2014, Neos 1.2 overview, interview with Mattes, TYPO3 Little Helper, FAL code sprint, What's New Slides and Go Mobile.
Week ending December 14


On December 10 TYPO3 <link news article typo3-cms-4539-629-and-702-released>CMS 4.5.39, 6.2.9 and 7.0.2 were released containing bug and security fixes. With the release of TYPO3 CMS 7.0 fresh in the minds of the community the CMS team is pushing on and preparing for TYPO3 CMS 7.1 on the road to the Long Term Support release in the fall of 2015. Benni Mack, co-leader of the CMS team, gives <link news article typo3-cms-71-focused-on-cleaning-the-house>the current status and gives us a look on the next release. The CMS team is full speed ahead. I <link news article community-insight-mathias-mattes-schreiber>interviewed Mathias "Mattes" Schreiber about the rediscovered energy in the team and about his role as Product Owner of TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS. Mattes says this about the team and the process: "Another thing you need to do is you need to effectively delegate tasks. There is so much talent within our team – we just need to feed the right stuff to the right people. If anyone asks for results, I give them the new Backend of TYPO3 CMS7 – which we received a lot of welcoming and motivating feedback for. But we're not done yet. "

TYPO3 CMS 7 demo's

Check out the new TYPO3 CMS 7 backend: No Frontend yet, only a backend login:

TYPO3 Neos

Shortly after the release of TYPO3 CMS 7.0 the TYPO3 Neos team released the third version of TYPO3 Neos. With version 1.2 comes the highly requested feature of content translation along with various improvements for editors. Overall, the new version is a major advancement in what we like to call ubiquitous content through advanced localization. Coupled with the full extent of Neos’ Content Dimensions provides the capability to create & manage any kind of publishing setup handling variants of content. The Neos team is pushing the next gen CMS hard and has already published a sneak preview of TYPO3 Neos 1.3, which will include features like a security framework, a history module, new resource management with an API which allows you to non-destructively manipulate images and automatically create and maintain thumbnails, the integration of Google analytics and some serious SEO features. UX lead Rasmus Skjoldan visited #<link http: cms web-cms trends-in-web-content-management-from-jboye14-027257.php>JBoye14 and met with content strategist, <link http: about>Relly Annett-Baker to talk about structured editing in Neos. More will come out from that meeting but Rasmus reports so far that Relly was able to provide extraordinarily insightful feedback to the Neos team. The team is now planning how to build a new 3rd core editing mode for structured, field-based editing with a help text system for CMS authors. Aske Ertmann, release manager of Neos 1.2, lets us know that the Twitter campaign worked pretty well and so far the <link https: channel ucqndryih2s9i3htdrpb6tiw>YouTube videos got 6600+ views. CMS Report has an interesting article on the latest Neos release '<link http: articles introducing-typo3-neos-1-2-11320>INTRODUCING TYPO3 NEOS 1.2'.

Neos demo's

You can check out Neos 1.2 and a preview of Neos 1.3 here (Try Me):

TYPO3 Association

The TYPO3 Association keeps the community up to date through the monthly diaries. <link http: news article novembers-diary-of-the-typo3-association>November’s diary of the TYPO3 Association gives a great heads up on the agency meetups and of the Combined Board and EAB Meeting in Karlsruhe. <link http: node>T3A also applied for becoming an Affiliate Member of OSI. The OSI Board voted unanimously to accept our application and has identified several opportunities and initiatives for the outreaching across the open source community.

FAL code sprint

Andrea Herzog-Kienast, of <link http:>T3Rookies fame, organises a code sprint specifically aimed at once and for all fixing bugs and annoyances with the File Abstraction Layer. The 4-day code sprint will take place in the Unperfekthaus in Essen and will see 25 attendants. The code sprint badly sponsors for food and drinks. Contact Andrea (<link>andreaDOTherzogkienastATtypo3DOTorg) to support this great initiative. This is one change to support the development of TYPO3.


TYPO3 - Little Helper

Bertram Simon has developed <link https: webstore detail typo3-little-helper cmmocffalgokjmiacgeddcfkjdhdgeep>a chrome extension that acts as a little helper for TYPO3 CMS. The little helper makes working with TYPO3 6.x a little bit easier. TYPO3 Little Helper provides 3 functions:
  • Click on icon for important links and searches on TYPO3
  • Right-click on page for fast access to backend or install tool
  • Right-click on selected text for searching documents or extensions

TYPO3 CMS 7 - What's New Slides

Patrick Lobacher and Michael Schams lead the effort to create the 'What's New slides' for TYPO3 CMS 6.2 and are doing the same for TYPO3 CMS 7 as well. You can find 5 languages (English, German, Italian, Russion and Spanish) on <link download release-notes whats-new> Dutch, French and serbian are work in progress. Contact Patrick Lobacher (<link>patrickDOTlobacherATtypo3DOTorg) if you want to participate in translating 'What's New slides' in your language.

Go Mobile

We are proud, but also a little bit ashamed to announce the <link http: gomobile>Go Mobile initiative. Google approached several CMS initiatives and together with Google we created the <link http: gomobile>Go Mobile page on The page gives directions on how to make your TYPO3 website mobile ready. We were a bit hesitant to publish the Go Mobile page itself is far from mobile ready. There was no opportunity in this short term to create a separate initiative or to change the website. The team has been discussing a relaunch several times. If you have any ideas and have some practical ideas on participating in such a relaunch then please contact Alain Veuve (<link>alainDOTveuveATtypo3DOTorg), who leads the marketing team to which the team belongs.


With this last 'This Week in TYPO3' for 2014 I want to thank everyone that participated in one way or the other to the development and promotion of TYPO3 products that make up the TYPO3 project. 2014 was a year where the position of TYPO3 CMS and TYPO3 Neos was consolidated and the development of our products has seen an enormous energetic push. 2015 will be the year where Neos matures further and gains more acceptance and it will also be the year where TYPO3 CMS will rejuvenate itself and will continue to support  the many thousands of TYPO3 CMS websites there are. TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS will give the editors more fun and logic working with their favourite CMS. My wish for 2015 is to see more diversity and inclusiveness in our community. “Diversity in the world is a basic characteristic of human society, and also the key condition for a lively and dynamic world as we see today.”
— Jinato Hu Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.