TYPO3 marketing sprint
The week long marketing sprint is now one week ago. The marketing team meets this Monday to discuss the results of the marketing sprint as a whole and to plan a sprint to finish marketing material.
CEBAB (Combined Expert advisory Board And Board meeting)
Every quarter of a year the Board and Expert Advisory Board of the TYPO3 Association meets 'live' to discuss legal, financial and governance topics. Usually the first day the boards meet separately and on the second day there is a combined meeting. Last week's meeting was at <link http: www.flagbit.de>Flagbit's offices in Karlsruhe on Monday and Tuesday November 25, 26. As a community manager I often find myself in a spot between the TYPO3 community and the TYPO3 Association. The community does not always understand the ways of the Association and vice versa the boards are not always aware of what goes on in the community. Until now there was no proper platform for the TYPO3 Association to connect to the community. With this last meeting we plan to change this and I will be present at the quarterly 'live' combined meetings as a representative of the community. In the meeting we agreed I would do some suggestions on how to improve the relationship with the community and give some examples of miscommunication and possible misunderstandings for the next combined meeting that will be prior to the <link http: association.typo3.org general-assembly>General Assembly in Frankfurt on Saturday February 1, 2014. Ingo Schmitt, representing the Budget Control Committee (BCC), was also present at the meeting to talk about invoicing to the TYPO3 Association. A number of things in the process are up for improvement and a number of decisions have been made to make sure the process gets a lot smoother. The meeting itself had it's heated moments, like meetings are known to be. I distinctly got the impression, now the organization structure has settled, everyone is aiming for the same goal supporting the TYPO3 community to do it's thing. Both boards have a public issue tracker, which you might find interesting to have a look at. Public list board: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects t3a-board-public issues>forge.typo3.org/projects/t3a-board-public/issuesPublic list EAB: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects t3a-eab-public issues>forge.typo3.org/projects/t3a-eab-public/issues In the meeting we also discussed diversity in the community and in the boards. There will be <link http: typo3.org news article upcoming-elections-in-the-typo3-association-1>upcoming elections for the TYPO3 Association and I would want to encourage people to nominate themselves for the vacant positions. Nomination is possible until the end of this year. Anyone is eligible for nomination. Don be shy and nominate yourself! Positions are elected directly by the members of the TYPO3 Association. A full report on this CEBAB will be published the coming week. Last report: <link http: typo3.org news article report-from-the-august-cebab-meeting>typo3.org/news/article/report-from-the-august-cebab-meeting/
Extension Development News
Georg Ringer of <link http: typo3.org extensions repository view news>News extension fame reports that he is working on an importer where it is possible to import emails as news entry which is just awesome for editors who are not used to TYPO3. Georg hosts the <link https: github.com georgringer mailtonews>mailtonews extension on Github in the dev phase and warns that is highly in dev mode, only tested with a hot 6.2 and not on many environments. Georg is open to ideas and features.Code sprints
As 'This Week in TYPO3' is written <link http: wiki.typo3.org cms_security_sprint_2013_hamburg>a security code sprint is being held at the <link http: www.e-net.info>e-net offices in Hamburg. The code sprint is about doing incident response and enhancing the security of TYPO3 CMS.
Steffen Ritter, Helmut Hummel, Marc Bastian Heinrichsen, Franz Jahn, Oliver Klee, Christian Kuhn and Anja Leichsenring (Marcus Krause looking through the lens) Thomas Löffler organizes a <link http: wiki.typo3.org code_sprint_ter_stuttgart_2013>TER code sprint surrounding the TYPO3 Extension repository. The Neos team will do <link http: wiki.typo3.org neos_code_sprint_december_2013>one final push towards the release of TYPO3 Neos 1.0, slated for December 10. To celebrate the launch of Neos, <link http: www.netlogix.de>Netlogix organizes a <link http: neosrelease.netlogix.de en>release party. <link http: neosrelease.netlogix.de en>

The TYPO3 Community announces the <link news article typo3-cms-4531-4716-6011-and-616-released>versions 4.5.31, 4.7.16, 6.0.11 and 6.1.6 of the TYPO3 Enterprise Content Management System. All versions are maintenance releases and contain bug fixes. For 'This Week in TYPO3' I interviewed Oliver Hader core team leader of TYPO3 CMS, mainly about his participation in the marketing sprint. Especially the Strategy Day, already mentioned above, was significant for the positioning of TYPO3 CMS. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
What is your outcome of the Strategy Workshop? One of the tasks was to create an art work of the current TYPO3 products and the accordant interaction with the community - now and in five years. I was very excited about the futuristic visions and love towards the classic TYPO3 CMS and that there is still the demand of innovative new feature sets in this mature and robust piece of software. The feedback round on drawbacks and missing features helps us to understand the demands and pointed out specific expectations for the future. We aim to have an additional strategy workshop with the Active Contributors of TYPO3 CMS in cooperation with marketing experts in the spring of 2014.