TYPO3camp Munich is just two weeks ago and another quite popular TYPO3camp is starting today. Today is the first day of the second international <link http: www.typo3camp-mallorca.org>TYPO3camp Mallorca! Temperatures in Mallorca are way higher than on the continent, which provides a warm relaxed atmosphere to join in the spirit of community. This TYPO3camp is also the final destination for the yearly sailing event <link http: www.t3sail.org>T3SAIL. T3SAIL is the TYPO3 Community Sailing Event. Every year community members & friends & users & developers of TYPO3 go for the seven sea. Besides the mentioned TYPO3camps we have two international community events coming up. <link http: typo3camp.pl en>TYPO3camp Poland on October 18 and 19 in Pozna? and TYPO3 Eastern Europe - <link http: www.t3ee.org>T3EE in Cluj Napoca, Romania.
TYPO3 conference
The international and official TYPO3 conference is getting closer and this week saw a lot of social media activity promoting the conference. Check out the conference website and especially the <link http: t3con13de.typo3.org speakers>speakers to get a taste of what is coming. For this conference we are planning another three video’s like the <link http: www.youtube.com>Flow conference video. <link http: www.netresearch.de>Netresearch has again taken initiative to make this happen, but we still need sponsoring for one or two video’s to make this project come true. If we can make this work we will have a video for the business day, the community day and for the future day. We are passing on the concept in the community to make sure these video’s will be shared a lot.Community polling
This week I asked for feedback about community and communication on <link https: plus.google.com posts>Google+ and on our <link http: forum.typo3.org index.php t>forum. Asking feedback once in awhile makes a lot of sense and I hope to create more interactivity with the community this way. From the reactions I got it was clear that people want to be informed with smaller updates and that is also the reason for ‘This Week in TYPO3’. Steffen Gebert mentioned the fact that he had this in mind for a long time already and referred to ‘<link http: www.cyanogenmod.org blog this-week-in-cm-sep-13-2013>This Week in Cyanogenmod’. The previous community reports were too much after the fact. I must also admit that writing such a long report is no joy as well. Olivier Dobberkau mentioned that information should be sent multiple times over multi ways. We are planning to centralise our social media through a Hootsuite account that will be graciously provided by <link http: www.wmdb.de>WMDB.This seems an excellent tool to distribute our news at the appropriate times. The social media team is part of the <link http: forge.typo3.org projects show team-editorial>editorial team. Community management is not easily measurable and one of the respondents mentioned very appropriately about the topics that are community manager business that ‘He collects them and observes if topics need some love. Together with the typo3.org team I am still looking at how we can improve feedback mechanisms on our information hub <link http: typo3.org>typo3.org. Some more advanced commenting is still under discussion and I hope we will see some implementation soonish.Neos
The Neos team is actively working on a 1.0 release. In the meantime the team has bi-weekly technical discussions of which a <link http: typo3.org news article typo3-neos-technical-discussion-september-3rd-17th>summary of the two previous meetings was published this week. The development is currently focused on creating the 1.0 release for which the goal is to create a stable basis which won't introduce breaking changes in the next releases after version 1.0. TYPO3 branding manager, Rasmus Skjoldan, published an article in the beginning of this week on <link http: typo3.org news article achieving-a-state-of-the-art-backend-design-for-neos>a state-of-the-art backend design for Neos. His article about <link http: www.cmswire.com cms customer-experience wcm-insights-what-web-content-management-will-look-like-by-2017-021869.php>Web Content Management in 2017 has attracted international attention and specifically among other Open Source CMS-es. The current backend is being tested by users currently in order to get feedback on usability issues. Rasmus was able to get some unallocated budget for travelling and doing some investigative journalism also accompanied by Robert Lemke. Rasmus’s company <link http: moc.net>MOC sponsors the rest of his time. Rasmus and the team specifically ask the community for feedback in his article. There are many ways you can provide feedback. You can comment on this article or the article mentioned above or use the social media TYPO3 is engaged in to provide any feedback you might have. It is easy! In the never ceasing stream of code sprints another code sprint for Neos is organised at the end of September at the DE-CIX Meeting Center. <link http: www.de-cix.net>DE-CIX is the sponsor of this <link http: typo3.org events code-sprints typo3-neos-codesprint>BIG code sprint.TYPO3 CMS
There TYPO3 CMS team sprint will be in October in Hannover. The team opted for Stuttgart first, but due to the Volksfest that is not possible. The location for that code sprint is sponsored by <link http: www.bitmotion.de de typo3-agentur-hannover.html>Bitmotion. The team is preparing to release TYPO3 CMS 6.2 alpha3 next week.
Got a suggestion for a topic you’d like to see in the next round-up? Let us know in the comments below.