Week 27 holds some info on the preceding week as well and there is loads of actvity going on in the TYPO3 world. Ernesto Baschny talks about the release plans in a post 6.2 era and is looking for your feedback, as usual and especially in this season there are lots of events and TYPO3camps. The organisation for the coming TYPO3 conference is in full gear, the TYPO3 Association is pushing out a lot of activity and we have some event news.
Week ending July 4
I have to excuse for the previous mix-up in week numbers (week 24 ? week 25) and we are now back on track with Week 27 as the correct week.
TYPO3 Association
TYPO3 agency meet up
The Marketing Team together with the TYPO3 Association organised another Agency Meet up in Frankfurt on July 2. The previous meet up in Berlin provided a good basis for this meeting. Alain Veuve moderated this well attended meet up with a great mixture of TYPO3 Association representatives, some CMS team members and representatives of numerous agencies of the Frankfurt area. The meeting gathered feedback about the participants wishes, problems and expectations about the future of the TYPO3 project.
The marketing team considers the current format very successful and is setting up next agency meet ups in Hamburg and Munich on a short term, before venturing out of Germany. After this process the consolidated results will be published.
Adapting release cycle for post 6.2 era
Ernesto Baschny, release manager of TYPO3 CMS6.2, writes in his article '<link news article after-the-lts-is-before-the-lts>After the LTS is before the LTS' about improving the release process of TYPO3 CMS for everybody involved: developers, active contributors, agencies and customers.
In the excellent <link http: wiki.typo3.org blueprints release>blueprint that was finalised at the <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org>TYPO3 Developer Days in Eindhoven, some of the cons of the current process are mentioned being. '
low adoption rate of non LTS releases' and '
pressure and too high expectations for the developing team prior to LTS'. The blueprint envisions a better automated upgrade system for TYPO3 CMS to update to "Early Adopter Releases" (EAR) with a new LTS release every 1,5 years.

Benefits of this new system are a more agile process, quicker adoption of fresh code and the ability of contributors to focus on a more condensed number of features amongst others.
The <link http: wiki.typo3.org blueprints release>blueprint goes into great detail about adoption, release cycles, versioning, deprecation and expected benefits. Ernesto asks for your feedback, which you can still give in the forum entry <link http: forum.typo3.org index.php t>[TYPO3-core] After the LTS is before the LTS .
TYPO3camp Munich (September 5 – 7)
Peter Kraume announces that the ticket sale for the TYPO3camp Munich will start on next Thursday, July 17 at 11:00. The TYPO3camp Munich is always well attended so make sure you get your ticket asap.

The <link http: typo3camp-munich.de>TYPO3camp Munich website already features a number of sponsors for this wildly popular TYPO3camp. The organisation seems to have found another great location at the Straßenverkehrsgenossenschaft Bayern. I think even the native Germans have difficulty pronouncing that one ;)
TYPO3 conference Berlin (October 8 – 10)
The organisational team for the <link http: t3con.eu>10
th TYPO3 conference consisting of Julliane Steinmetz, Volker Graubaum, Marco Klawonn, Patrick Broens and Ben van 't Ende are working hard to get top-notch speakers from all around the globe and not necessarily from the TYPO3 world only. The team is determined to have some surprises for this special occasion and you can be looking forward to some unexpected appearances.
The <link http: t3con.eu speakers>call for papers is running until July 15 and you are encouraged to submit your paper.
Mini-conference Poznan Poland (November 21 – 22)
Tymoteusz Motylewski (Tymo) lets us know there will again be a mini TYPO3 conference in Poznan, this time also at a university, but a different one then last year. This time it will be a private university called "<link http: www.wsnhid.pl>WSNHiD" which has a great Computer Science Division. For the conference we will have a great space, including lecture and workshop rooms.
What is also worth mentioning is that starting from October, TYPO3 will be taught on the "CMS" course for computer science students.
It was possible thanks the great collaboration between <link http: www.wsnhid.pl>WSNHiD and <link http: macopedia.co en>Macopedia which is an industry partner of this university.
T3CON15 ASIA Phnom Penh, Cambodia (August 2015)
Rebecca Stankowski comes with the great news that after the success of the first TYPO3 conference in Asia in 2012, there will be a second edition of T3CON15 ASIA

The conference will take place in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in August 2015 and aims to market the TYPO3 brand and to present all the TYPO3 products to a wider audience in Asia.
The conference will feature a CMS track; including TYPO3 CMS, TYPO3 Neos and the web application framework TYPO3 Flow.
In addition, an Agile/Scrum track with renowned speakers from the Agile community will guarantee challenging sessions and the opportunity for certification.
<link http: www.web-essentials.asia>Web Essentials, the leading web agency in Cambodia, is pleased to organise T3CON15 ASIA and is looking forward to welcoming you soon again.
For questions, or if you would like to sponsor the event, then please contact Rebecca: <link>info(at)web-essentials.asia
Follow T3CON15ASIA on twitter #T3CON15ASIA for upcoming info!
Server Admin Team (June 27 – 29, Lucerne, Switzerland)
The Server Admin Team met for a sprint weekend in beautiful Lucerne (@snowflake) from June 27th to 29th. <link http: buzz.typo3.org teams server-admin article server-team-sprint-20142>The team reports on BUZZ about their work. Matthias Schreiber reminds us in a comment to this article to appreciate the unsung heroes tasks. It is only when services fail that we see how important the work of this team is.
The team welcomed Andri Steiner who is head of server at <link http: snowflake.ch>Snowflake to their team and Guido Haase as guest.
The sprint started of with minor tasks like dealing with tickets before going into larger tasks the next day like Redmine and Gerrit updates. The Redmine update for <link http: forge.typo3.org>forge.typo3.org is still an outstanding task, but the Gerrit update was very successful according to the enthusiastic reactions on social media.
The team is also looking into LDAP as central authentication and authorization service as the current *.typo3.org infrastructure is using a non-standardized single sign-on implementation.
As a means to further more participation from the community the team now offers a full clone of the demo.typo3.org and of the docs.typo3.org websites under the "t3stacks" project. The team hopes that the "t3stacks" project will lead to one or the other contribution. If you are interested to help or need further assistance, get in touch with the <link http: typo3.org teams server-team>Server Team!
Community Tools (July 24 – 27, Wiesbaden, Germany)
Christian Zenker lets us know that the next <link http: wiki.typo3.org>Community Tools Code Sprint will be coming up in two weeks already (again in the <link http: aoe.com>AOE office in Wiesbaden).
- The main topics will be (amongst others)
- preparation to migrate to TYPO3 6.2
- Better user profiles on typo3.org
- improving Certified Integrators Listing
- TER improvements
- Spam Reporting
The team is currently collecting the most important tasks in <link http: forge.typo3.org projects team-t3o-relaunch-week versions>forge.
TYPO3 CMS (July 24 – 27, Stuttgart, Germany)
For the fifth time this year there will be a <link http: wiki.typo3.org cms_codesprint_2014>code sprint surrounding TYPO3 CMS, this time in Stuttgart hosted in the <link http: cron.it>cron.it offices. The sprint will possibly deal with: final consensus logging API, define visibility, install tool cli API and Release/Migrations handling.
There is room for 16 people, so you are more than welcome to join the sprint if you have meaningful contributions to TYPO3 CMS. Please contact Steffen Ritter (steffen dot ritter et typo3 dot org) or Ernesto Baschny (ernesto dot baschny et typo3 dot org) for more info.
You can appreciate this team by sponsoring them a lunch, pizza dinner or drinks in the form of Club Mate or Beer. Please contact Steffen Ritter (steffen dot ritter et typo3 dot org) or Ernesto Baschny (ernesto dot baschny et typo3 dot org) to do so.
Community Growth Hangout
I have attended several Hangouts with <link http: mycmgr.com>mycmgr.com about varying community topics on previous occasions. These hangouts are always interesting and provide feedback from community leaders on many different topics. A hangout is an ideal tool for such a thing and 'My Community Manager' organises these Hangouts very efficiently with someone monitoring social media and someone moderating the conversation. It is definitely a format worth looking into for the TYPO3 community itself.
I came across a topic that concerns the TYPO3 community and I also see is a topic in other Open Source communities - such as Drupal, Joomla, OwnCloud and KDE. These communities have grown enormously during the past years and encounter the same problems pertaining to governance and communication. Holly Ross from the Drupal Association mentions in her article <link https: assoc.drupal.org content defining-our-roles-drupal-community>Defining Our Roles in the Drupal Community that "For the last couple of years, Drupal Association staff have been dancing an uncomfortable dance within the community, where no one quite knows who's supposed to be leading."
We often discuss ways to grow your community, but when communities grow big things might get out of control and governance needs to be re-evaluated to fit this growth.
<link https: www.youtube.com>

Jonathan Brewer and Sherrie Rohde hosted the Hangout on this Independence Day. From the TYPO3 community Christian Müller joined the Hangout. We had Ruth Cheesley and David Hurley from the Joomla leadership team and Jos Poortvliet, community manager for Owncloud, previously community manager for Open Suse and involved in the KDE community.
Discussion Questions
- What pain points have you experienced during community growth?
- What is the role of governance in your community?
- Success of a project depends on strong sustained leadership, how do you execute this?
- In your community, what is the role of your association in leadership?
- How should we handle complaints and conflict effectively while giving people a voice, being transparent, and bringing resolution and satisfactory outcomes?
- How can we build bridges between our communities?
- Has the time for "open source" passed?
You can view the very interesting discussion on <link typo3 community growing>Community Growing Pains on YouTube.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: typo3.org events>typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.