Supervisor Package
Yeebase.Supervisor is a new TYPO3 Flow package that integrates the popular supervisor daemon into your TYPO3 Flow applications. It’s great for monitoring and control TYPO3 Flow commands that should run forever and in parallel - for example worker scripts that do some CPU intensive processing. It’s all about the "message queue pattern“, deferring extensive tasks into an asynchronous pipeline while keeping your Flow application responses for your users blazing fast (like ordering something in a web-shop, save the order, put the other tasks in a message queue without touching them and output the confirmation page quick). Then letting some other processes/workers doing the hard work in the background - like generating the invoice as pdf file, sending big mails, re-indexing big Solr/Elasticsearch indexes, big data processing,.. Supervisor controls this workers and Yeebase.Supervisor makes it easy to use it with Flow. Yeebase.Supervisor lives on packagist.org: <link https: packagist.org packages yeebase supervisor>packagist.org/packages/yeebase/supervisorCodesprints
PHPUnit (June 27-29, Hamburg, Germany)
The <link http: wiki.typo3.org phpunit_codesprint_2014>first code sprint for the PHPUnit TYPO3 extension in 2014 will take place in Hamburg organised by Oliver Klee. You can find more info in the previous <link http: typo3.org news article this-week-in-typo3-week-19-2014>This Week in TYPO3 or on the WIKI. If you are into PHPUnit then do not hesitate to participate and contribute. Just get in contact with Oliver Klee (typo3-coding AT oliverklee DOT de).CMS code sprints
Basically the Bremen sprint was about regression fixes for TYPO3 CMS 6.2.2 that has been release two days after the sprint. Next code sprint is in Zurich, I'm not sure whether I can make it - but Benni, Steffen and Xavier seem to be there: <link http: wiki.typo3.org cms_codesprint_2014>wiki.typo3.org/CMS_CodeSprint_2014/4:_ZurichMeetings
Community Tools Meeting
After the Community Tools code sprint beginning of this month the team decided to hold monthly meeting on the 14th day of the month. May 14 was such a day. On <link https: notes.typo3.org p t3o-maintenance>notes.typo3.org/p/t3o-maintenance you can find notes on the maintenance meetings. Kay, Christian, Björn, Sacha and Ben talked about the Planet that is in the works for some time now. A planet is a blog aggregator. In the TYPO3 project there is already a <link http: www.planetflow.net>FLOW planet running. We will try to align several initiatives and get a Planet for the whole TYPO3 project running on the same software the mentioned Planet is running on already. Besides discussing some of the topics, you can find in the notes document, the team's main concern is testing of the issues we fixed during the sprint. A full list can be found here: <link http: forge.typo3.org projects team-t3o-relaunch-week>forge.typo3.org/projects/team-t3o-relaunch-week/issues. It is always difficult to find this time between the sprints as everyone is quite occupied with their own work for a living. The team hopes to deploy the new version in the coming weeks, though.Neos Supporters Meeting
On May 12 Bernhard Welzel, Christian Müller, Henjo Hoeksma, Hrishikesh Lele, Pankai Lele and Ben van ‘t Ende met on an initiative called Neos Supporters. The global goals of the group will be to make Neos business ready and to provide templates for Neos so entry into the Neos world will have a low barrier. We also discussed Neos becoming a standard SAAS product, like compared with Wordpress.com. A challenging thought, but we did not take it further in the meeting. The team does conclude that setting up Neos is not that easy and one of the next steps will be to identify the common problems with this set up. Neos Supporters has set up a <link https: groups.google.com forum neos-supporters>Google Group to support their effort and to collect feedback. There was some criticism to this decision, but the team thinks that for now this is a good solution. You are invited to joing the group. A second decision in the meeting was to get a document together on templating in Neos. You can find the doc on the meeting here: <link http: goo.gl>goo.gl/5N6IYJA video explaining the initiative is here: <link http: goo.gl ynzukq>goo.gl/YNzukQ
TYPO3 Extensions
One of the 'pretty' important extensions we have in our 'app store' and a replacement of the wildly most ever downloaded extension '<link http: typo3.org extensions repository view tt_news>tt_news' by Rupert Germann (<link http: wmdb.de>wmdb) is '<link http: typo3.org extensions repository view news>news' by Georg Ringer (<link http: cyberhouse.at>Cyberhouse). After endless weeks of coding Georg released the version 3.0.0 of his extension "news" to the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER). This version is compatible to the TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS and uses all the latest features TYPO3 provides to its users. The most important changes are:FAL - The File Abstraction Layer which users know from normal content elements can now be used within news records.
Categories - The system categories (Table sys_category) is used instead of a custom solution.
Many many other things , like Improved code quality, improved administration module and more documentation
TemplaVoila future 'reborn'
Alexander Schnitzler <link https: twitter.com alex_schnitzler status>lets us know on Twitter that <link http: typo3.org extensions repository view templavoila>TemplaVoila was released in version 1.9.0. The TV team is in a 'born again' state as Wouter Wolters <link http: forum.typo3.org index.php t>states on the TYPO3 forum. With the 1.9.0 release TemplaVoila is compatible to the last TYPO3 CMS 6.2 release. Alex encourages all to test and report bugs. The team will only clean up the code base and fix bugs. No new FEATURES will be added. Alex also adds that the team encourages people to switch to another engine, like 'grid elements and Fluid' he uses himself.TemplaVoila replacement?
Meanwhile there Gernot Ploiner announced a TV replacement on the <link https: www.facebook.com groups typo3>TYPO3 Facebook Group called Mask. He started a <link http: www.startnext.at en mask>crowd-funding campaign to support the development of this extension. On the mentioned Facebook group you will find a lively discussion also including Armin Vieweg who is working on a similar initiative called 'Dynamic Content Elements' (DCE). The discussion revolves around joining the initiatives or going separate ways. The initiative of Joh Hasenau and Kay Strobach to join forces on <link http: www.startnext.de en typo3-theme-packages>Themes is a very good example of this, though rare. As community manager I would like to encourage such initiatives, but bottom-line is that we are an Open Source project and that we thrive on people scratching their own itch. Gernot gave me a small introduction to the work on Mask and so far it looks impressive to me.Events
Developer Days
The organisation announces that the <link http: typo3.org news article t3dd14-schedule-and-speakers-online>schedule and speakers for the TYPO3 Developer Days are online. Going through the T3DD14 <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org schedule>schedule you can see that there is a wider range of topics than ever before from yoga lessons to CMS to in-depth Neos workshops. If you have not registered yet then do so <link http: shop.typo3.org t3dd14 t3dd14-tickets ref shop>NOWWW! You can also find <link http: www.t3dd14hotels.nl>a great hotel offer including transportation to the event at the website of the Developer Days.CMS Day (June 17, Paris, France)
Open Source company <link http: smile.fr>Smile organises another CMS Day this year. TYPO3 will of course be present at this event that features around 20 Open Source CMS-es. TYPO3 is features in two round table discussions on multi-site strategies and on Open Source business models. You can find the full program on the CMS Day website: <link http: cmsday.fr programme>cmsday.fr/Programme <link http: cmsday.fr day by>Miscellaneous
In Canada, there was an afternoon of presentations for Government of Québec employees last Monday. Patrick Gaumond from Ministère de l'Éducation did a talk about the whole TYPO3 ecosystem and presented TYPO3 6.2. There were also presentations from Guy Couronné and Michael Miousse about strategies to migrate from TYPO 4.5 LTS to 6.2 LTS and what are viable technics about templating in 2014. The room was filled to capacity with many people from dozen of different government agencies using TYPO3.University of Wuppertal workshop (May 6 - 7)
The University of Wuppertal held a workshop <link events community-events university-workshop-t3up-get-ready-for-62-lts>'T3Up' - Get ready for 6.2 LTS. Goal was to gather a crowd of TYPO3 administrators, integrators and developers from the educational sector together. The workshop was held barcamp style, so topics came up from the crowd and workgroups dealing with those topics were formed on the fly. The workshop had 34 participants from 29 Universities from all over Germany. Topics were:Create a upgrade strategy, document it and test it!
Extensions used and compatibility with 6.2
Extbase/Fluid introduction
What about TemplaVoila, do we have to switch over to FLUID now?