An extensive report on the community tools code sprint and upcoming events like LinuxTag, Berlin.
Week ending May 2
Community Tools (May 2-4, Wiesbaden, Germany)
The community tool sprint reports:
The new office of <link http:>AOE in Wiesbaden was the spacious home for the <link http:>first community tools code sprint of the year from Friday to Sunday. We decided to broaden the scope of the code sprint, so it reflects better what we do in these code sprints, by naming it Community Tools Sprint. Christian Zenker prepared most stuff in advance like a boss. Besides some of the guys we can always rely on like, Christian Zenker, Philipp Gampe, Sascha Marcel Schmidt, Thomas Löffler and Kay Strobach we also welcomed Björn Jacob and Ralf Zimmermann who dropped in for the first time. Peter Foerger, Tomas Norre Mikkelsen and Steffen Ritter also joined us for shorter periods of time.
Besides tackling <link http: projects team-t3o-relaunch-week issues>issues from the issue tracker we also sat together to discuss some topics in Birds Of a Feather style. The topics were: Migration of extensions to Git, pain points with system (related to update to TYPO3 CMS 6.2), Next steps for Community Tool Group, future of Buzz and planet.
Talking about the maintenance group as such we agreed that the current leadership works out as it is. Under the maintenance contract with AOE we went through the issues at an earlier stage and prioritise and categorise the issues, which works great for the participants. We created a <link https: u communities>G+ community for community tools where we scheduled monthly hangouts on every 14
th day of the month at 17:15.
We decided to go ahead with an initiative to set up <link http:>BUZZ again together with Benjamin Kott. Benjamin has previously done the new responsive introduction package. We hope to achieve a better handling of the entries in the backend and a more appealing frontend.
The sprint also brought up the planet that is under discussion for quite some time now. There is a budget granted for the Planet, but due to time constraints of the participants not to much is done currently, but we hope to get going with that soon.
We made a start with a list of things we need to tackle in order to upgrade to TYPO3 CMS 6.2.x. There are quite some extensions that can be removed from the backend making an upgrade easier. The <link http: events code-sprints community-tools-code-sprint-1>second community tools code sprint will start July 10.

Some of the issues tackled at the code sprint are still under review. Some of the changes regarding search and outdated extensions have to be reviewed carefully.
A new deployment of with the changes made during the code sprint can be expected somewhere next week. A full changelog will also be communicated by that time.
TYPO3 CMS code sprint (May 2-4, Bremen, Germany)
At the same time as the before mentioned code sprint there was also a CMS sprint hosted by <link http:>hmmh. More on this code sprint will follow later.
Meet TYPO3, CMS Garden, LinuxTag (May 8-10, Berlin, Germany)
The Open Source CMS Garden is touring Germany in full effect and the Open Source gardeners been present on quite a number of CMS related events like Internet World, World Hosting Days and CeBIT. This year TYPO3 will be present at LinuxTag again.
<link http: news article meet-typo3-in-the-cms-garden-at-linuxtag>Meet TYPO3 at Hall 6, Booth A18!
TYPO3camp Toulon (May 17-18, Toulon, France)
<link https: fedirfr>Fedir Rhyktik announced <link http:>TYPO3camp Toulon, France. The TYPO3camp will consist of a conference day and an outdoor day.
The conference day wil cover: Migration to 6.2 LTS, TYPO3 Neos and Comparison with other CMS / frameworks. The outdoor day looks totally awesome with Coding on the boat, Mini-confs on the beach and Open-air pechakucha's.
TYPO3camp Berlin (June 27-29, Berlin, Germany)
<link http:>TYPO3camp Berlin has started ticket sale again and this summer you are invited again to join the fifth TYPO3camp in the Berlin-Brandenburg Region.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: events> Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.