TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS RC1, TYPO3 hack? And all about the coming TYPO3 events and code sprints
Week ending March 21
TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS is around the corner and it will be great!
<link http: wiki.typo3.org release_party typo3_6.2>

The release team <link news article typo3-cms-62-lts-rc1-released>pushed out a release candidate of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 just prior to the weekend. The team is keeping up the high pace and lots of improvements,optimisations and clean up went into this release.
Most notably are some security enhancements and the relabelling of the "flush cache" menu. Furthermore work was done on the File Abstraction Layer, the Install Tool, workspaces and the backend interface.
So this Tuesday March 25 is party time with the final release of TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS. Check out the <link http: wiki.typo3.org release_party typo3_6.2>release party pages for a party near you or create your own party and let everyone know about it.
The TYPO3 hack that was no TYPO3 hack
<link http: www.heise.de security>heise Security reported this week that hundreds of TYPO3 sites were hacked. The TYPO3 Association issued a <link news article statement-in-response-to-the-article-hunderte-typo3-webseiten-gehackt-hundreds-of-typo3-websites>statement mentioning that the incident is not a TYPO3 specific hack, which is now also confirmed in an update of the article on the hack.
Even if this is no TYPO3 hack it still reminds us to maintain TYPO3 installations. To protect your website from security breaches, the TYPO3 Association recommends using the most current TYPO3 version, which is available from the download section on <link http: typo3.org>typo3.org.
Work packages
Ingo Schmitt reports on progress of the workpackages for the TYPO3 CMS 6.2 LTS. The Team is really working hard as can be seen on <link http: forge.typo3.org issues>Forge. The results of many packages went straight into TYPO3 CMS 6.2. The last issues are taken care of, so the packages can be closed in time.
Heavy development is still done on the performance package. This work will continue after the release of the 6.2.0 to speed up TYPO3 CMS 6.2 even more.
Inspiring Conference (March 28-29, Kolbermoor, Germany)
Because of high demand the <link http: www.inspiring-conference.com>Inspiring Conference team decided to offer two "Neos Introduction" <link http: www.inspiring-conference.com workshops.html>workshops. Instructors for the Neos workshops are Christian Müller and Robert Lemke.

With over 250 people, 15 speakers, 3 workshops the conference will be totally sold out soon! Currently there are some <link http: www.inspiring-conference.com tickets.html>Last-Minute-Tickets left.
The conference will start with a big bang. The organisation promises an amazing surprise. So be on time and don’t miss the grand opening of the event! Enjoy top-talks at the conference, networking with other community-members, high-class catering and an unforgettable social event!
See you there!
TYPO3camp Venlo (April 11-13, Venlo, The Netherlands)
After <link http: typo3.org news article typo3camp-venlo>last years success <link http: www.typo3campvenlo.nl>TYPO3Camp Venlo will be held again from April 11-13. This years weekend will be packed with interesting talks and international visitors with various backgrounds in the TYPO3 world.
TYPO3camp Stuttgart (May 23-25, Stuttgart, Germany)
TYPO3camp Stuttgart expects about 200 people, like every year. All normal tickets were sold out in 1,5 hours.

The organisation has 20 tickets for students and pupils every year which cost less than a half of a normal ticket to get young people in touch with our beloved CMS.
Only few tickets for students are still available, in the next days some normal tickets will be made available as well, so everyone who has no ticket yet should be tuned into Twitter (<link https: twitter.com t3cs>
twitter.com/t3cs) or Facebook (<link https: www.facebook.com typo3campstuttgart>
A normal ticket costs 50 Euro inc. taxes and also includes food and drinks from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, a T-Shirt, a very cool Give-A-Way and of course the many sessions for professionals, but also sessions for beginners starting with TYPO3.
Developer Days (June 19-22, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
<link http: t3dd14.typo3.org call-for-papers>Call for Papers opened for the Developer Days. T3DD14 organisation lets us know that the Developer Days are not only for experienced programmers. They encourage everybody to submit papers for workshops also on beginners level. The aim is for workshops, not tutorials, although you are welcome to have one. Average time 3.5 hrs
As a special this year the Developer Days will feature workshops by Mark Johnson and Scott Wilson from OSS Watch. OSS Watch provides unbiased advice and guidance on the use, development, and licensing of free software, open source software, and open source hardware.

During the marketing sprint last year the guys did a <link news article marketing-sprint-2013-communication-workshop>two-day communication workshop, which was received very well by the attendees and provided a good understanding of communication in an Open Source community and how to find ways to improve communication.

OSS Watch will do 6 sessions over 2 days, covering the following topics:
Communities (45 minutes), Communications (90 Minutes), Governance (45 Minutes), Leadership (45 Minutes), Legal Matters (45 Minutes), Conflict Resolution (90 Minutes). More details on the workshops will follow later and will be published on the <link http: t3dd14.typo3.org>T3DD14 website.\[logo developer days]
Code sprints
Documentation sprint (April 10-12, Fribourg, Switzerland)
The documentation team will meet for the first time for a sprint at the office of <link http: www.hemmer.ch _blank>hemmer.ch SA in Fribourg, Switzerland. The sprint will be purely technical by nature and will also be attended by Flow/Neos experts Karsten Damblekans and Dominique Feyer. It is expected that the sprint will result in a better understanding for the attendees regarding the rendering process of the documentation on <link http: docs.typo3.org.>docs.typo3.org and start is being made to <link http: forge.typo3.org issues>rework the design and general content of the documentation website.
Documentation lies at the heart of the community and provides entry points for participation in the community and a starting point using our software. The documentation team can definitely use your help. A project that will start soon is reworking the Getting Started documentation that needs to be reworked and rethought fully. If you are interested in joining the Documentation Team, get in touch by writing to <link>documentation@typo3.org.
Community Tools (May 2-4, Wiesbaden, Germany)
For the past three year we had about 3-4 code sprints every year with a focus on <link http: typo3.org>typo3.org. The current situation regarding our central hub is stable, we have an excellent deployment process running and a maintenance contract with <link http: www.aoe.com>AOE that ensures security updates and other necessary maintenance tasks are done in a timely matter for the website.
Previous sprints have sometimes been done in combination with the server team and/or the documentation team. The focus of the coming sprints lies on all the tools we use in the TYPO3 community to enable the community to do their work and communication in a smooth matter.
The <link events code-sprints community-tools-code-sprint>next sprint will be from May 1-3 in the new <link http: aoe.com>AOE offices in the heart of Wiesbaden. A <link http: wiki.typo3.org>number of items are already on the 'urgent' list. These sprints usually have a wide scope and are very interesting and worthwhile to join.
The coming sprint is not fully booked and can use your support. If you have any questions regarding the sprint and want to know in what way you can contribute to our community tools, please write an email to <link>ben.vantende@typo3.org.
Check out the events calendar for a user group meeting, code sprint or other event near you: <link http: typo3.org events>typo3.org/events/. Do not hesitate to share you TYPO3 activities in 'This Week in TYPO3'. Just let me (@benvantende) know what you are up to.